Producers should pay close attention to the growth stage of their wheat before making spring herbicide applications. Some herbicides must be applied after tillering, several must be applied before jointing, and others can be applied through boot stage. Remember that weeds are most susceptible at early growth stages. Coverage becomes difficult as the wheat canopy develops, so the earliest practical and labeled applications generally result in the best weed control.
Applications permitted prior to jointing
Dicamba can be applied to wheat between the 2-leaf and jointing stages. The application of dicamba after wheat reaches the jointing stage of growth causes severe prostrate wheat growth and a significant risk of yield loss. Dicamba is effective for controlling Russian thistle, wild buckwheat, and susceptible populations of kochia; but is not good for controlling mustard species. Kochia, Russian thistle, and wild buckwheat are summer annual weeds that may emerge before or after wheat starts to joint, so timing dicamba applications for control of these weeds can sometimes be difficult. Fortunately, dicamba provides some residual control of these weeds following application.
Products labeled only for use on herbicide-resistant wheat must also be applied prior to jointing. Beyond should be applied to 1 gene ClearField wheat after tiller initiation and prior to jointing, but can be applied to 2-gene ClearField wheat until the second node is detected at the soil surface. Aggressor should be applied to CoAXium wheat varieties after the 4-leaf growth stage but before jointing. Beyond should only be applied to ClearField wheat varieties, and Aggressor should only be applied to CoAXium wheat varieties.
Other herbicides that must be applied prior to jointing include Agility SG, Everest, Olympus, Outrider, Pulsar, Rave, PowerFlex HL, or GR1. Two relatively new products that can be applied after three-leaf are Tarzec, is a combination of PowerFlex and Elevore (described below) and Irongate, a combination of PowerFlex and Everest.
Applications permitted through boot
Herbicides that can be applied later in the spring – prior to boot stage – include Ally + 2,4-D, Amber, Finesse, Glean, Starane Flex, and Starane NXT. Starane is a better choice than dicamba products for control of kochia after wheat begins jointing.
2,4-D is labeled for application to wheat from the full-tiller stage until prior to the boot stage of growth. Application of 2,4-D prior to full- tiller hinders the tillering process and can result in significant yield loss. Wheat will sometimes exhibit prostrate growth when 2,4-D is applied in the jointing stage of growth, but yields generally are not significantly reduced if applied before the boot stage.
In general, MCPA is safer on wheat than 2,4-D, especially when applied prior to tillering. MCPA can be applied after the wheat is in the three-leaf stage (may vary by product label) until it reaches the boot stage of growth. Neither herbicide should be applied once the wheat is near or reaches the boot stage of growth, as an application at that time can result in malformed heads, sterility, and significant yield loss (Figure 2).
Both 2,4-D and MCPA are available in ester or amine formulations. Ester formulations generally provide slightly better weed control than amine formulations at the same application rates but are also more susceptible to vapor drift. However, the potential for vapor drift damage in early spring is minimal. Ester formulations are generally compatible for use with fertilizer carriers, while amine formulations often have physical compatibility problems when mixed with liquid fertilizer. To minimize crop injury, it is recommended that nitrogen make up no more than 50% of the carrier solution when spraying an herbicide, especially if a surfactant or crop oil is included in the mixture.
Applications permitted through flag leaf
Many herbicides used in the spring on wheat can be applied up to the time the flag leaf is visible, or later. Some newer premix products based on the herbicide halauxifen methyl (Elevore) that can be applied through flag leaf are Pixxaro (with Starane), Quelex (with florasulam), Rezuvant (with Starane and Axial XL), WideARMatch (with Starane and Stinger). Halauxifen methyl is a Group 4 herbicide that controls emerged broadleaf weeds, including marestail, flixweed, and henbit. Elevore is not labeled for application to wheat.
Other herbicides that can be applied through flag leaf include Affinity BroadSpec, Affinity TankMix, Ally Extra SG, Express, Harmony, Harmony Extra, Huskie, Sentrallas, Supremacy, Talinor, Weld, and WideMatch.
Figure 1. Stunting from an application of 2,4-D to wheat prior to tillering. Photo by Dallas Peterson, K-State Research and Extension.
Figure 2. Malformed heads from an application of 2,4-D at boot stage. Photo by Dallas Peterson, K-State Research and Extension.
For more detailed information, see the “2025 Chemical Weed Control for Field Crops, Pastures, and Noncropland” guide available online at or check with your local K-State Research and Extension office for a paper copy.
The use of trade names is for clarity to readers and does not imply endorsement of a particular product, nor does exclusion imply non-approval. Always consult the herbicide label for the most current use requirements.
Sarah Lancaster, Weed Management Specialist
Jeremie Kouame, Weed Scientist – Agricultural Research Center, Hays
Patrick Geier, Weed Scientist - Southwest Research & Extension Center, Garden City