eUpdate Articles Tagged: growth stage

New sorghum growth and development poster now available

An updated version of the Sorghum Growth and Development poster has been published by K-State Research and Extension. The full-color poster is 20x30 inches, and describes nine stages of growth of the sorghum plant. New features include key management practices associated with each growth stage, updated graphics, and the dry-down progression of the grain until physiological maturity.

sorghum grain sorghum poster growth stage 

Pay attention to growth stage for spring herbicide decisions on wheat

Producers should pay close attention to the growth stage of their wheat before making spring herbicide applications. Some herbicides must be applied after tillering, several must be applied before jointing, and others can be applied through boot stage. The earliest practical and labelled applications generally result in the best weed control.

wheat herbicide growth stage 

Wheat growth and development: Tool for estimating first hollow stem

Winter wheat is beginning to break dormancy, and the Kansas Mesonet has a tool to help track crop development. This tool provides the propability of first hollow stem occurrence for wheat varieties in Kansas. This is important for dual-purpose wheat growers because it is the optimal time for grazing termination to maximize forage yield while minimizing grain yield losses.

Mesonet wheat first hollow stem growth stage 

Pay attention to growth stage for spring herbicide decisions on wheat

Producers should pay close attention to the growth stage of their wheat before making spring herbicide applications. Some herbicides must be applied after tillering, several before jointing, and others can be applied through the boot stage. Weeds are most susceptible to herbicides when at early growth stages.

wheat herbicide growth stage application timing 

Spring herbicide decisions on wheat - Pay attention to the growth stage

Producers should pay close attention to the growth stage of their wheat before making spring herbicide applications. Some herbicides must be applied after tillering, several before jointing, and others can be used through the boot stage. Coverage becomes difficult as the wheat canopy develops, so the earliest practical and labeled applications generally result in the best weed control.

wheat weed control herbicide growth stage 
