Topdressing canola: How to maximize the benefits canola sulfur topdress nitrogen fertilizer
Optimal time to remove cattle from wheat pastures: First hollow stem dual purpose grazing wheat first hollow stem
First hollow stem update - 2/27/2025 wheat grazing dual purpose first hollow stem
World of Weeds - Wild buckwheat weeds World of Weeds wild buckwheat
Two weeks remain in the K-State Crop Talk webinar series virtual webinars Crop Talk
Wheat Rx seminars in Salina and Colby - March 11 & 12 Wheat Rx meetings wheat
2025 Kansas training information for paraquat label requirements paraquat herbicide training
Agricultural Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage elections with Farm Service Agency risk coverage
Kansas Drought Update and Climate Report for February 12-18 weather Climate Drought
K-State Crop Talk webinar series virtual webinars Crop Talk
Save the Date for Wheat Rx seminars in Salina and Colby Wheat Rx meetings wheat
Updated: Kansas Agricultural Technology Conference - March 7 in Clay Center KARTA
Late winter kochia control in fields going to soybeans, sunflowers, cotton, and wheat kochia pre-plant herbicide weed control pre-emergence
Native grasses: Management factors during and after stand establishment grazing pastures native grasses
K-State Crop Talk webinar series started on February 11 webinars Crop Talk
Weed Management Schools for northwest and north central Kansas weed management meetings
Updated: Weed Management Schools for southwest and south central Kansas weed management meetings
UPDATE - Wheat Rx seminar set for February 12 is canceled Wheat Rx wheat seminar
Late winter kochia control in fields going to corn or grain sorghum grain sorghum corn weed control kochia residual herbicides burndown herbicides
Native grasses: Factors for successful stand establishment pastures forage native grasses warm-season
Proposed listing of the monarch butterfly as a threatened species Endangered Species monarch butterfly
K-State announces 2025 TAPS competitions in Colby and Garden City TAPS
Wheat Rx seminar on February 12 in Salina Wheat Rx meetings wheat
K-State Crop Talk webinar series kicks off on February 11 virtual webinars Crop Talk
Weed Management Schools for northwest and north central Kansas weeds weed management meetings
Weed Management Schools for southwest and south central Kansas weeds weed management meetings
Preplant herbicide applications for kochia control kochia pre-plant herbicide pre-emergence residual herbicides
Wheat variety fall forage yield comparison for 2024-25 wheat fall forage dual purpose
World of Weeds - Old World Bluestems World of Weeds Old World Bluestem
Join the conversation on cover crops by participating in a new survey survey cover crops
K-State Weed Management Schools scheduled for mid-February weed management meetings
K-State Crop Talk webinar series kicks off on February 11 virtual webinars Crop Talk
Wheat Rx seminar on February 12 in Salina Wheat Rx wheat seminar
Potential for winterkill to the Kansas wheat crop wheat winter survival freeze injury winterkill
Looking back: Kansas 2024 weather in review weather Climate
Updated - Wheat Rx seminar on February 12 in Salina meeting Wheat Rx wheat
Winter Agronomy Series on corn and sorghum in southwest Kansas sorghum corn meetings
Winter Agronomy Series features alternative crops for southwest and south central Kansas canola alternative crop meetings cowpeas camelina
Save the Date: Kansas Agricultural Technology Conference - March 7 KARTA meeting technology
New Wheat Rx publication: Wheat's versatility in farming systems wheat publication WheatRx
Stress management and mental health tools for Kansas farmers farm stress mental health stress management
Winter agronomy series features alternative crops for southwest and south central Kansas canola alternative crop meeting cowpeas camelina
Great Plains Cotton Conference set for February 7 in Wichita cotton meeting
Save the Date for a Wheat Rx seminar on February 12 in Salina meeting Wheat Rx wheat
Cover Your Acres Winter Conference, January 21-22 in Oberlin Cover Your Acres meetings
Crabgrass could serve as an alternative cattle forage forage warm-season crabgrass
The 2025 K-State Chemical Weed Control Guide is available online publication Weed Control Guide
K-State's Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS) hosts its inaugural banquet meeting TAPS
Cover Your Acres Winter Conference, January 21-22 in Oberlin Cover Your Acres meetings
Don't miss the 2025 Kansas Corn and Soybean Schools