weeds fall-applied weed control herbicide marestail soybeans
weeds fall-applied kochia herbicide weed control corn sorghum
planting weed control herbicide dicamba palmer amaranth weeds
Now is the time to begin considering how to terminate winter cover crops in preparation for summer crops. Some cover crop species, such as oilseed radish or fall-planted oats, are likely to be killed by freezing over the winter. But, many cover crops will need to be terminated by mechanical or chemical methods in the spring.
Pre-emergence, soil-active herbicides applied around the time of planting are an important part of a good weed management program. However, variability in spring weather leads to concerns about both weed control and crop injury.
On June 3, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco issued a decision that nullifies the current labels for Engenia, FeXapan, and XtendiMax herbicides. Weed Science Specialist Sarah Lancaster discusses this decision and what is known at this point.
The article has been updated slightly from the original version published on October 30. Stay up -to-date on the recent EPA ruling concerning certain over-the-top dicamba products.
Now is the time to begin considering how to terminate winter cover crops in preparation for summer crops. While some species will be killed due to freezing over the winter, others will need to be terminated by mechanical or chemical methods.
This is the third and final article in a series discussing pre-emergence herbicides for kochia control. For this article, we cover recommendations specific to fields that will be planted to soybean or sunflower this spring and wheat in the fall.
The K-State Weed Science Extension team is looking for your input! Herbicide application practices such as sprayer speed and spray volume influence weed control as well as whole-farm efficiency. Please consider filling out a short survey related to this topic.
Weed scientists at K-State have released a revised publication on the different modes of action of herbicides. This in-depth resource describes how herbicides work to control weeds. There are descriptive graphics and full-color photos throughout the text.
If you did not get a chance to participate in a short survey about your herbicide application practices back in February, you have another chance! Help out the Extension Weed Science Team and fill out this short survey! Thank you!
As September begins, some producers are thinking about seeding winter cover crops in fields currently planted to corn. The successful establishment of winter cover crops is influenced by several factors. This article provides some additional details about cover crop responses to various herbicides.
weed control cover crops herbicide termination herbicide injury
Paraquat is a restricted use herbicide that was first commercialized in the 1960s and is one of the most widely applied herbicides in the United States. This article discusses recent changes made by the EPA in 2021 regarding the proper use of this herbicide.
Anyone spraying XtendiMax, Engenia, or Tavium is required to have training each year prior to using these products. These products are restricted use pesticides and can only be applied by certified applicators.
The fall of 2021 was hard for brome growers. Decisions will need to be made about whether to replant or wait and hope for regrowth. When considering the best weed control option, this article offers recommendations for brome fields.
Now is the time to begin considering how to terminate winter cover crops in preparation for summer crops. Some cover crop species are likely to be killed by freezing over the winter. But, many cover crops will need to be terminated by mechanical or chemical methods in the spring. Learn more in this article!
Despite our pre-publication reviews, we have found an error in the 2022 Chemical Weed Control Guide. The product Reviton should not be applied to emerged crops. Corrections have been made to the online version of the Chemical Weed Control Guide. This article provides the corrections for those with a paper copy.
Producers should pay close attention to the growth stage of their wheat before making spring herbicide applications. Some herbicides must be applied after tillering, several must be applied before jointing, and others can be applied through boot stage.
Farmers in much of the state are planting at a rapid pace following the recent rain. However, the speed of planting coupled with unusually windy conditions can potentially interfere with preemergence herbicide applications. There are several things to consider when the planter ‘gets too far ahead’ of the sprayer and corn is emerged before preemergence herbicides can be applied to corn.
There are certain factors to consider when making herbicide applications during extremely hot weather. Plant response can vary depending on the herbicide and other plant growth processes. Herbicide volatility increases in some products when temperatures get very warm outside. Learn more in this article.
The Environmental Protection Agency has requested public comment on the proposed additional mitigations to reduce potential exposure and risk to aquatic communities from atrazine via runoff from agricultural uses in field corn, sweet corn, sorghum, and sugarcane. Details on how to submit comments are outlined in this article.
Drought conditions throughout Kansas are forcing farmers to consider harvesting soybeans for forage instead of grain. Many factors should be considered when making this decision. Herbicide applications made during the growing season are one thing to consider. Many herbicide labels restrict the use of soybeans as a forage.
Cover crop response to herbicides will be influenced by a number of factors, including biological and biochemical characteristics of the plant, chemical characteristics of the herbicide, and weather conditions since herbicide application. This article summarizes the response of selected fall-plantedvcover crops to herbicides applied the previous spring.
Drought conditions and extreme heat throughout Kansas are forcing farmers to consider harvesting soybeans for forage. The herbicide label is the law, and many herbicide labels do restrict the use of soybeans as a forage. It is important to know the waiting period between the application of a given herbicide and the grazing or harvesting of the soybeans for use as a forage.
With row crop harvest well underway, it is time to start planning fall herbicide applications. Herbicide applications in late October through November can improve control of difficult winter annual weeds. Fall weed control is associated with warmer soils and easier planting in the spring. However, fall-applied herbicides may limit your crop options in the spring.
fall-applied kochia herbicide residual herbicides annual weeds
Marestail, or horseweed, is a challenging weed to manage in no-till or minimum-till systems. Acceptable control of fall-emerged marestail with herbicide applications at planting will be unlikely because the marestail are generally too large, but control can be achieved with both fall and early spring herbicide applications. Other control options include tillage and cover crops.
herbicide marestail residual herbicides annual weeds horseweed
Producers should pay close attention to the growth stage of their wheat before making spring herbicide applications. Some herbicides must be applied after tillering, several before jointing, and others can be applied through the boot stage. Weeds are most susceptible to herbicides when at early growth stages.
Herbicide formulations can dramatically influence herbicide performance, from efficacy to compatibility to shelf life. For some postemergence herbicides, the active ingredient can take multiple forms. Examples of herbicides that have multiple forms include glyphosate, 2,4-D, and dicamba. This article will focus on the relative volatility of three forms of 2,4-D.
This article answers frequently asked questions about the paraquat dichloride training for certified applicators. All products with the new labeling with the active ingredient paraquat dichloride, such as Gramoxone, Firestorm, Helmquat, and Parazone, will require additional training in order to apply these products.