Normal temperatures are falling in Kansas - It's all downhill from here

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We have reached the end of meteorological summer; it concluded on August 31. But you wouldn’t know it, given the recent temperatures. On August 24th, southwest Kansas was baking in triple-digit heat. Leading the way was Medicine Lodge, where the high temperature was a sizzling 115°. Not only was this the hottest temperature in the state this year, but it was also the hottest day in Medicine Lodge in 70 years!  Other locations had their hottest day of the year last week, including Ashland (111° on Aug. 24), Dodge City (106°, Aug. 25), Manhattan (104°, Aug. 25) and Topeka (102°, Aug. 26). With temperatures this hot, it certainly doesn’t feel like summer is about to come to an end. But there is an unmistakable sign that cooler weather is surely on its way. Average daily highs and lows have begun their retreat from their summertime maxima. You might be surprised to find out that the start of the decline was a few weeks ago. For example, Dodge City’s average high for August 30 is 89°, down 5 degrees from its peak of 94° in late July. The descent into cooler readings is slow at first but increases more rapidly in autumn. In this report, we look at the timeline for the annual arrival of cooler days and nights and when, during the fall, average highs and lows reach various thresholds.

On September 1, the first day of meteorological fall, average high temperatures across the state range from 84° in northeast to 88° in southwest and south central Kansas. Highs in the 90s are occasionally common in early September and even triple-digit heat. Last year, Dodge City hit 101° on September 1, and Goodland reached 100°. But highs this warm become less likely as the month progresses. Manhattan, for example, has only reached 100° a dozen times on or after September 16th in their 131-year climate record. By the end of September, average highs are in the mid and upper 70s statewide. During October, daily averages fall more rapidly; the rate of decrease is nearly half a degree per day. By Halloween, highs are normally in the low to mid-60s. Come Thanksgiving, daytime highs average only in the low 50s. Table 1 lists the average dates each of Kansas’ nine climate divisions reach thresholds starting at 85° and decreasing by five down to 50°.


Table 1.  Dates when divisional average daily high temperatures fall to the thresholds listed at the top and bottom of each column.


85 °F

80 °F

75 °F

70 °F

65 °F

60 °F

55 °F

50 °F

1 – Northwest

Sep 5

Sep 19

Sep 30

Oct 11

Oct 22

Nov 2

Nov 13

Nov 24

2 – North Central

Sep 4

Sep 19

Oct 1

Oct 12

Oct 23

Nov 2

Nov 13

Nov 23

3 – Northeast

Aug 29

Sep 15

Sep 29

Oct 11

Oct 22

Nov 2

Nov 12

Nov 23

4 – West Central

Sep 6

Sep 21

Oct 2

Oct 13

Oct 24

Nov 4

Nov 15

Nov 27

5 – Central

Sep 8

Sep 22

Oct 4

Oct 15

Oct 26

Nov 6

Nov 17

Nov 27

6 – East Central

Sep 1

Sep 16

Sep 30

Oct 12

Oct 24

Nov 4

Nov 15

Nov 26

7 – Southwest

Sep 13

Sep 26

Oct 8

Oct 19

Oct 30

Nov 10

Nov 21

Dec 3

8 – South Central

Sep 11

Sep 24

Oct 6

Oct 18

Oct 29

Nov 9

Nov 20

Dec 1

9 - Southeast

Sep 6

Sep 21

Oct 4

Oct 17

Oct 29

Nov 9

Nov 20

Dec 2


Table 2 lists average dates for low temperatures at thresholds ranging from 65° down to 30°. On September 1, averages range from 57° in northwest to 64° in southeast Kansas. These lows are 5 to 7 degrees lower than their mid-summer peak values. Cooler nights are the rule by month’s end, as average lows on September 30 range from the mid-40s to the low 50s across the state. Like high temperatures, low temperatures during October drop nearly half a degree daily.

Concerns over a killing freeze are on the minds of everyone with agricultural interests by mid-month. Last year, Wichita’s first freeze was on October 30, and a low of 23° on the 31st marked the end of the growing season. The previous year, Wichita’s first freeze was much earlier, on October 18. By Halloween, the poetic sight of “frost on the pumpkin” has often become a reality, as lows on October 31 average near freezing in the northwest and west central Kansas and are in the 30s everywhere but southeast Kansas, where the average low is still 40°. Nights grow ever longer in November, and low temperatures continue to cool. By November 22, average lows are at or below freezing in every division in the state, and normal lows range from 21 to 29 degrees by month’s end.

Table 2. Dates when divisional average daily low temperatures fall to the thresholds listed at the top and bottom of each column. A * indicates a division in which the low temperature never averages above the threshold value during the year.


65 °F

60 °F

55 °F

50 °F

45 °F

40 °F

35 °F

30 °F

1 – Northwest


Aug 22

Sep 7

Sep 19

Sep 30

Oct 10

Oct 22

Nov 3

2 – North Central

Aug 12

Sep 1

Sep 15

Sep 27

Oct 8

Oct 19

Oct 30

Nov 11

3 – Northeast

Aug 18

Sep 5

Sep 18

Sep 30

Oct 12

Oct 24

Nov 5

Nov 19

4 – West Central


Aug 24

Sep 9

Sep 21

Oct 2

Oct 12

Oct 23

Nov 5

5 – Central

Aug 18

Sep 6

Sep 19

Sep 30

Oct 11

Oct 22

Nov 3

Nov 16

6 – East Central

Aug 23

Sep 8

Sep 21

Oct 3

Oct 15

Oct 28

Nov 10

Nov 23

7 – Southwest

Aug 6

Aug 31

Sep 15

Sep 26

Oct 7

Oct 17

Oct 29

Nov 11

8 – South Central

Aug 24

Sep 10

Sep 22

Oct 4

Oct 15

Oct 26

Nov 8

Nov 21

9 - Southeast

Aug 27

Sep 12

Sep 24

Oct 6

Oct 18

Oct 31

 Nov 13

Nov 28


Fall weather outlooks for Kansas

What will autumn 2024 hold for Kansas? It’s too soon to say with any certainty. Still, the most recent seasonal outlook for the fall months, issued by NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center in mid-August, favors above-normal temperatures for the state, particularly in western Kansas (Figure 1). But this doesn’t mean that a delay in the occurrence of a first frost and freeze is a guarantee. It only takes one chilly airmass to bring a killing freeze. In the case of Wichita, after the October 18th first freeze in 2022, it was over three weeks until the second sub-freezing day was recorded on November 11. Seasonal forecasts don’t contain any information regarding the probability of an early season, singular, short-lived cold air outbreak; these are impossible to predict well in advance accurately. Keep an eye on shorter-lead forecasts such as the 6 to 10 and 8 to 14-day outlooks in October. Watch for high probabilities of cooler-than-normal temperatures, often indicating a threat of frost and freezing conditions. The Kansas Mesonet website ( is also a great resource for tracking temperature data. When you visit the site, you’ll find a Freeze Monitor page with information regarding the hours each Mesonet site has spent below freezing and sub-freezing thresholds. No site has recorded a low in the 40s since July 1 yet, so there’s nothing but zeroes at the moment, but now is a good time to familiarize yourself with the page so you can refer back to it this fall. Fortunately, we have a few more weeks to prepare for the arrival of freezing conditions. However, the autumnal journey has begun; we’re already heading for colder weather as the daily normal highs and lows drop a little bit each day.


A map of the united states with different weather conditionsDescription automatically generated

Figure 1. The Climate Prediction Center’s seasonal temperature forecast for the month of September through November 2024, issued on August 15.


Matthew Sittel, Assistant State Climatologist

Tags:  weather Climate fall weather temperatures 
