Agronomy eUpdate September 5th, 2024

Issue 1019

Wheat planting: Be cautious of planting too early

The general target date for planting wheat for optimum grain yields in Kansas is within a week of the best pest management planting date. Early wheat sowing can lead to several problems, from increased chances of insect-transmitted viral diseases to decreased emergence due to high temperatures.

wheat dual purpose optimum planting dates pest management early planting 

In-furrow fertilizers for wheat production

Wheat is considered a highly responsive crop to band-applied fertilizers, particularly phosphorus. With the use of starter fertilizer, wheat typically shows a significant increase in fall tillers and better root development. Winterkill can also be reduced using starter fertilizers, particularly in soils that test low for phosphorus.

wheat starter fertilizer phosphorus soil fertility in-furrow 

Update on fall armyworms in Kansas

Fall armyworms are known to feed on over 80 host plants. In Kansas, they can damage several important crops, pasture, turf, and home landscaping. Two full generations are possible in Kansas, with defoliation and grain damage being the biggest concerns. At-risk crops should be scouted regularly for the remainder of the growing season.

insects pastures alfalfa fall armyworms 

Alfalfa management: Deciding on the last cutting this fall

Alfalfa stops growing after the first hard freeze. The timing of the last two cuttings impacts winter survival and stand productivity in the following year. Alfalfa needs to store enough carbohydrates to survive the winter. Root reserves this fall are the main driver for the crop's yield and quality next year.

alfalfa last cutting 

Normal temperatures are falling in Kansas - It's all downhill from here

The meteorological summer ended on August 31. While it's still warm outside across Kansas, the average daily temperatures have begun to drop. This report looks at the timeline for the annual arrival of cooler days and nights.

weather Climate fall weather temperatures 
