2020 Kansas Performance Tests with Grain Sorghum Hybrids

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The 2020 Kansas Performance Tests with Grain Sorghum Hybrids report is now online. In this report, you will find a recap of the 2020 grain sorghum crop, with a detailed discussion summarizing the statewide growing conditions, diseases, and insects. More importantly, the results of the 2020 grain sorghum performance tests are also shown.

Grain sorghum performance tests, conducted annually by the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, provide farmers, extension workers, and seed industry personnel with unbiased agronomic information on many of the grain sorghum hybrids marketed in Kansas. Because entry selection and location are voluntary, not all hybrids grown in the state are included in tests, and the same group of hybrids is not grown at all test locations.

The online version of the 2020 Kansas grain sorghum performance tests can be found at: https://bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/SRP1161.pdf.

Test results also can be found at: http://www.agronomy.k-state.edu/services/crop-performance-tests/grain-sorghum


Jane Lingenfelser, Associate Agronomist


Tags:  grain sorghum Performance Tests  
