Prescribed burning workshops scheduled for 2019

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Several prescribed burning workshops have been scheduled for the months of February and March, with more in the planning stages.  Partners involved include K-State Research & Extension, Kansas Forest Service, USDA-NRCS, USDA-FSA, Kansas Conservation Districts, Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism, the National Weather Service, Local Fire Departments and Emergency Management Personnel, Pheasants Forever, The Wildlife Society – Kansas Chapter, and Great Plains Fire Science Exchange.

Each workshop lasts about 4-5 hours and includes topics on reasons for burning, regulations, weather considerations, liability, burn contractors, equipment and crew, hazards, fuels, firebreaks, fire types and behavior, ignition techniques, and burn plans.

Contact Walt Fick at 785-532-7223 or if you have any questions regarding a prescribed burning workshop. Be sure to contact the host to register for a workshop.


Tags:  prescribed burning workshops 
