eUpdate Articles Tagged: workshops

Prescribed burning workshops scheduled for 2019

prescribed burning workshops 

Prescribed burning workshops scheduled for 2020

There are still three Prescribed Burning workshops on the calendar for February and March. These workshops bring together presenters from several state and federal agencies. Reach out to the contact person listed in this article to get registered.

prescribed burning workshops 

Soil Health Workshop, Hays, KS, May 18-19, 2022

Join us at the K-State Agricultural Research Center in Hays, KS to learn about soil health principles, soil management, and carbon credits and get hands on experience conducting field demonstrations and field assessments. RSVP to Stacie Minson at 785-769-3297 or by May 15th

soil health workshops 

K-State to host Whole Farm Health series beginning Feb. 23

K-State Research and Extension will host a series of three upcoming workshops called "Whole Farm Health: Building Resilience from the Field to the Farmer". The sessions address strategies for building more resilient farm systems through diversified cropping systems, incorporating cover crops, and grazing, as well as how to identify indicators of mental health. Find out more in this article.

soil health workshops mental health