This article provides a review and update of some of the current “livestock apps” for agriculture. These apps can assist farmers with animal management issues related to health, nutrition, market information, and more.
While these apps can often help you make quick decisions, always make sure to check with your crop consultants, Extension agents, and Extension specialists.
Stay tuned for more in this series of annual reviews and updates on Ag-Apps from our KSUCROPS Crop Production team (led by Dr. Ciampitti) and the K-State Department of Agronomy. More updated lists of Ag-Apps will be included in the next several editions of the Agronomy eUpdates.
NOTE: These apps are all available as of the time this article is published. Alterations or changes in availability could occur, affecting the ability to access these apps.
For this series of articles, we have grouped Ag-Apps into the following 10 classifications:
5. Livestock Apps
Apps related to livestock management topics, such as nutrition, animal health, and market information.
Livestock Apps |
Name of App and Source |
Picture |
Brief description and cost |
Download |
ThermalAid University of Missouri |
This app provides a decision-making tool to identify, monitor, and reduce heat stress in cattle to improve animal performance. FREE |
Purina Cool Cow App Purina Animal Nutrition LLC |
This app provides dairy producers with a tool to help manage the impact of heat stress. FREE |
iHerd MANDRA Ltd |
iHerd app provides a design to simplify the herd management process for station owners and managers around the world. FREE |
Livestock Apps |
Name of App and Source |
Picture |
Brief description and cost |
Download |
Angus Mobile American Angus Association |
The Angus Mobile app provides information for anyone with an interest in Angus cattle. FREE |
Cattle Market Mobile Michael Whitt |
This app helps cattle producers monitor current auction prices. In addition, reports are also displayed. FREE |
CropCents Penn State University (AGH Incorporated) |
This app helps calculate the cost of raised feed, which is a better approach than using market prices to calculate income over feed costs. FREE |
DairyCents Penn State University (AHG Incorporated) |
This app provides a quick calculation of income over feed costs and price comparison of various forages, grains, and commodities. FREE |
iCattleMgrPro iSimpleType |
This app provides a tool for management of livestock. It covers more than 90 pieces of information about animal health. $19.99 |
iLivestockMgr iSimpleType |
This app provides a tool for livestock management. It focuses on livestock in general. $19.99 |
iHorseMgr iSimpleType |
This app provides a tool for horse management operations. $9.99 |
Each of the next four issues of the eUpdate will feature another classification of Ag-Apps from our KSUCROPS Crop Production team and the K-State Department of Agronomy!
Ignacio A. Ciampitti, Crop Production and Cropping Systems Specialist
Jeffrey Albers, Agronomy undergraduate student in crop production, KSUCROPS Team
Aaron Brinkman, Agronomy undergraduate student in crop production, KSUCROPS Team