K-State Soybean Schools scheduled for late January

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A series of four K-State Soybean Production Schools will be offered in late-January 2016 to provide in-depth training for soybean producers.

The one-day schools will cover issues facing soybean producers: weed control strategies, crop production practices, soil fertility and nutrient management, insect and disease control, and risk management.

The schools will begin at 9 a.m. and adjourn at 2.30 p.m., including a farmer panel at the end of the School. The dates and locations are:

Jan. 25: Great Bend: Great Bend Recreation Commission, 1214 Stone Street
- Alicia Boor, Barton County Agricultural Extension Agent, aboor@ksu.edu, 620-793-1910

Jan. 26: Overbrook:  Grace Community Church, 310 E 8th Street
- Darren Hibdon, Frontier District Crop Production Extension Agent, dhibdon@ksu.edu, 785-229-3520

Jan. 28: Beloit: NC Kansas Technical College Auditorium, Highway 24
- Sandra Wick, Post Rock District Crop Production Extension Agent, swick@ksu.edu, 785-282-6823

Jan. 29: Marysville: American Legion, 310 N 19th St
- Anastasia Johnson, Marshall County Agricultural Extension Agent, anastasia@ksu.edu, 785-562-3531

Lunch will be provided, courtesy of the sponsors. There is no cost to attend, but participants are asked to pre-register before Jan. 22.

Online registration at K-State Soybean Schools: http://bit.ly/KSBEANSchools

You can also register by emailing or calling the nearest local Research and Extension office for the location you plan to attend.

For more information, contact:

Doug Shoup, Southeast Area Crops and Soils Specialist

Stu Duncan, Northeast Area Crops and Soils Specialist

Ignacio Ciampitti, Crop Production and Cropping Systems Specialist
