ID Apps for agriculture

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These Apps are primarily utilized for identification purposes. This category can be sub-divided into different topics:

                A) Weeds

                B) Insects

                C) Diseases

                D) Nutrients


A) Weeds ID

These Apps can help identify a weed, or search for weeds by name, region, or appearance. Ag Weed ID (FarmProgress), ID Weeds (University of Missouri), Weed Spotter (Bayer CropScience), and the are good for weed ID purposes.



Figure 1. Seventeen Weeds ID Apps.















Figure 2. Ag Weed ID App from Farm Progress.



Figure 3. ID Weeds App, University of Missouri.




Figure 4. Weed Spotter App from Bayer CropScience.




B) Insects ID

The Western Bean Cutworm Speed presents a visualization tool for western bean cutworm eggs in diverse stages (University of Nebraska-Lincoln). The Aphid Scout (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) provides a visualization of aphid infestation at the leaf level. The Pestbook App (Dupont) offers a compendium of various insect pests and beneficials.



Figure 5. Ten Insects ID Apps.




Figure 6. Western Bean Cutworm Speed and Aphid Scout Apps from University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension.



Figure 7. Pestbook App, DuPont.


C) Diseases ID

This category highlights Apps specific for diseases either in a single crop, such as the Soy Diseases App (South Dakota State University) or for multiple-crops, such as the BASF Cereal Diseases App and the Crop Diseases App (GRDC, Grains Research & Development Corporation). The IPM toolkit (University of Wisconsin) is broader than simply for diseases ID alone. It also includes a list of Extension activities such as meetings, publications, videos, and news (highly recommended!).



Figure 8. Nine Disease ID Apps.




Figure 9. BASF Cereal Diseases App.



Figure 10. Soybean Diseases App from South Dakota State University.


D) Nutrients (and more)

This section highlights Apps for nutrient deficiency ID purposes and Apps containing information related to nutrient effects on crops. Within this category, the Crop Nutrient Deficiency Photo Gallery App from the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI, $5) and the new “Canola Starter” (no charge) from Oklahoma State University, with information on the “safe” fertilizer rate based on salt level, are worth downloading.



Figure 11. Nine Nutrient ID Apps.



Figure 12. Canola Starter from Oklahoma State University.



Figure 13. Crop Nutrient Deficiency Photo Gallery from IPNI.


Ignacio Ciampitti, Crop Production and Cropping Systems Specialist
