Great Plains Cotton Conference set for February 20 in Pratt, KS

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In 2020, southern Kansas farmers planted 195,000 acres of cotton that produced 300,000 480-lb bales of cotton lint and 99,000 tons of cottonseed with a combined economic value of $97,164,000!

The 5th Annual Great Plains Cotton Conference is scheduled for February 20 at the Pratt County 4-H Building, 81 Lake Rd, Pratt, KS 67124. This conference is co-sponsored by the Kansas Cotton Association, Cotton Incorporated, and Kansas State University.

Presentations will be focused on all things cotton, including irrigation scheduling, nutrient management, policy updates, cotton classing, pest management, economics and market outlooks, and cotton industry updates related to Kansas and the Great Plains. Nationally recognized speakers from KS, TX, TN, and NC will be presenting with an additional Panel Discussion on See-n-Spray technologies in the late afternoon.

Registration opens at 7:30 AM, with morning sessions beginning at 8:15 AM and lunch at 12:00 PM, sponsored by Corteva. Afternoon sessions begin at 1:00 PM and will wrap you at 5:30 PM.

CCA CEUs for Kansas have been requested.

Agenda and Topics

7:30       Registration and visit sponsors’ booths

8:15       Welcome to the Great Plains Cotton Conference – Shelley Heinrich, Cotton Board and Gary Feist, Kansas Cotton Association

8:30       Irrigation, utilizing soil moisture monitoring sensors, and GDD - Craig Bednarz, WTAMU

9:15       A New Perspective on Agronomic Research and Outreach for Cotton - Logan Simon, KSU

9:35       Nutrient Recommendations in Cotton – Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, KSU

10:05    Break

10:15    Policy Updates in Cotton and Cotton Trust Protocol – Tas Smith, NCC

11:00    What Happens at the Cotton Classing Office - Jim Waldrop and Jeannie Fowler, USDA

11:45    Visit sponsors’ booths

Noon    Lunch sponsored by Corteva; comments by sponsors, and visit sponsor booths

1:00       Insect Scouting and Management Options - Rex Friesen

1:30       Weed Management and Herbicide Resistance Update - Sarah Lancaster – KSU

2:15       Turning data into dollars – Ed Barnes, Cotton Incorporated

2:45       Lou Barbera – Cotton Global Market Outlook

3:15       Break

3:30       Cotton Board Update – Shelley Heinrich – Cotton Board

3:45       Panel Discussion on See-n-Spray technologies – Sarah Lancaster, JD rep, and farmer

5:00       Audience feedback and conclude

5:15       Visit sponsor booths


Logan Simon, Southwest Area Agronomist – Garden City

Tags:  cotton 
