Weed management schools for cropland and pastures in eastern Kansas - Jan. 23 and 24

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The Department of Agronomy, in conjunction with the Frontier, Southwind, and Wildcat Extension Districts, is hosting three weed management schools in late January.  These schools will focus on timely and relevant weed management strategies specific for eastern Kansas. Specific topics include corn and soybean weed management and controlling broomsedge and pasture weeds.

These schools are free to attend. To register, please call or email the listed office for the school in your area. Frontier Farm Credit is a sponsor for these schools.


Ottawa, KS

January 23 | 7-9 p.m.
Neosho County Community College
900 E. Logan Street, Ottawa, KS
Call: 785-448-6826
Email: reschaub@ksu.edu

Bronson, KS

January 24 | 7-9 a.m.
Bronson Public Library
509 Clay Street, Bronson, KS
Call: 620-223-3720
Email: cguthrie74@ksu.edu

Parsons, KS

January 24 | 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
SE Research and Extension Center
25092 Ness Road, Parsons, KS
Call: 620-724-8233
Email: jcoover@ksu.edu


Tags:  weed control meeting