K-State/KARA Crop Production Update - Dec. 1 & 2 in Lindsborg, KS

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The 2021 Crop Production Update, hosted by the Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association (KARA) and in cooperation with K-State Research and Extension, will be offered in-person this year. The two-day event will take place on December 1 and 2 at the Sundstrom Conference Center in Lindsborg, KS. This course has been approved for four 1A hours, 1 core hour, and 11 CCA CEUs.

This training provides the latest research and technological advances in weed and insect control, fertilizer and chemical recommendations, soil fertility, and much more. The agendas for each day are shown below.

Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2021

8:30       Registration

9:10       Welcome and Introduction

9:20       Herbicide application date and GPA on residuals

10:10    Current research on wheat production

11:00    Market outlook and 2021 crop budgets in Kansas

11:50    Lunch

 1:00      Core hour

 1:50      Planning and conducting a prescribed burn

 2:40      Break

 3:00      Nutrient management in forage systems

 3:50      Questions/Adjourn

Thursday, Dec. 2, 2021

 8:30      Soil health: concepts and recent research in Kansas

 9:20      Advancing science-based stewardship in corn

10:10    Break

10:30    Nutrient management in corn and wheat

11:20    Wheat disease management

12:10    Lunch

1:10       Corn and soybean disease management

2:00       Cover crops, soil heath, and water quality

2:50       Wrap-Up/Adjourn


Don’t delay - get registered today! Registration information and cost options can be found here: https://www.ksagretailers.org/events-training/crop-production-update/

Tags:  KARA crop production