Pre-plant wheat schools to be held across Kansas

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A series of pre-plant wheat schools will be held in various locations across Kansas in the coming weeks. Particular topics and speakers will vary by location but may include production practices, yield results and variety selection, disease management and seed treatments, fertility, and weed control. For more details on a particular school, contact the local extension agent host.

Monday, August 27th:

Tuesday, August 28th:

  • 8:30 am, Walnut Creek District (Ness City). Contact: Chris Long (
  • 7:00 pm, Twin Creeks District (Lenora). Contact: Keith VanSkike (

Wednesday, August 29th:

  • 9:00 am, Post Rock District. (Downs). Contact: Sandra Wick (
  • 2:30 pm, Post Rock District. (Jewell). Contact: Sandra Wick (

Thursday, August 30th:

  • 9:00 am, Phillips-Rooks District (Stockton). Contact: Cody Miller (
  • 2:30 pm, Cottonwood District (Great Bend). Contact: Stacy Campbell (

