Corn Production and Technology Field Day, August 16

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K-State Research and Extension and the Central Kansas Extension District are hosting a field day on August 16 highlighting variable rate corn seeding, satellite imagery, high-speed planters, mobile devices, and myFields as well as other topics of interest to corn growers.

The field day will be held at Knopf Farms located at 6229 S. Kipp Rd, which is 1 mile west and 1 mile north of Gypsum, KS.  The field day will start at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at noon with a meal sponsored by Kansas Corn.  Participants should RSVP by August 13 for the meal by calling the CKD-Salina office at 785-309-5850 or e-mail

Speakers include K-State Research and Extension agronomists Ignacio Ciampitti and Stu Duncan; Brian McCornack, Extension entomologist; Ajay Sharda, Extension agriculture engineer; cooperators Justin Knopf and Garrett Kennedy, as well as representatives from Kansas Corn.

All producers, consultants, and agri-business representatives are encouraged to attend this educational event.  For more information about the field day, contact Tom Maxwell, Crop Production Agent at the CKD-Salina office (contact info listed above).

