eUpdate Articles Tagged: yield estimates

Learn how to estimate corn yield potential

Once tasseling, silking, and pollination are complete, or nearly complete, producers can begin to estimate corn yield potential. To get a reasonable yield estimate, corn should be in the milk, dough, or dent stage. Learn how to get an early estimate of yield potential in this article.

corn yield potential yield estimates 

Estimating soybean yield potential

Many producers like to estimate the yield potential of their soybeans well before reaching the end of the season. Estimating final yield in soybeans before harvest can be a tedious task, but a simplified method can be used for just a basic yield estimate.

soybeans yield potential yield estimates 

Grain sorghum yield potential: Understanding the main yield components

In order to best estimate the yield potential of grain sorghum, you need to understand the main plant components of sorghum yield. These components are the main yield-driving factors. Learn about these factors and the roles they play in determining final grain sorghum yields.

grain sorghum yield estimates yield components 

Soybean yield potential estimation

With most Kansas soybean fields already in reproductive stages, it is time to start assessing yield potential from those fields. Estimating final yield before harvest can be a very tedious task, but a simplified method using yield components can be applied to start setting yield expectations.

soybeans yield potential yield estimates 

National Sorghum Yield Contest: A Summary for Kansas

This article contains information from the new KSRE publication MF3615 "National Sorghum Yield Contest: A Summary for Kansas". Five years of data were summarized (2013-2017) from the National Sorghum Yield Contest with a focus on Kansas entries. Different management practices impacted sorghum yields in varying magnitudes.

sorghum grain sorghum publication yield estimates Sorghum Yield Contest 

Soybean yield potential estimation

Estimating soybean yields will provide an opportunity to obtain a more reliable prediction of yields and to scout fields for associated issues before harvest, such as insects, diseases, and other potential production problems. The effects of the current heat wave can be assessed in the coming week in order to obtain a more precise estimate.

soybeans yield estimates yields yield components 

Grain sorghum yield potential: An on-farm calculation

Estimating crop yields before harvest can be difficult. However, having these estimates is valuable information for producers as it helps them to make relevant decisions on inputs. As the sorghum crop gets closer to maturity, yield estimates will be more accurate. This article walks through an example of an on-farm calculation for estimating sorghum yield.

sorghum grain sorghum yield potential yield estimates 

Estimating corn yield potential using the yield component method

With many corn fields in Kansas already in reproductive stages, it is time to assess grain yield potential. One way to estimate corn yield is using the yield component method, which uses a combination of known and projected yield components. This article walks through this method with an example yield potential example.

corn yield potential yield estimates yield components 

Soybean yield potential estimation

With most Kansas soybean fields already in reproductive stages, it is time to assess the yield potential. Estimating seed yields in soybeans will allow farmers and agronomists to predict yields more reliably and scout fields for associated issues before harvest. This article explains a simplified method using yield components in detail.

soybeans yield potential yield estimates