eUpdate Articles Tagged: yield components

Grain sorghum yield potential: Understanding the main yield components

In order to best estimate the yield potential of grain sorghum, you need to understand the main plant components of sorghum yield. These components are the main yield-driving factors. Learn about these factors and the roles they play in determining final grain sorghum yields.

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Estimating corn yield potential using the yield component method

The majority of corn in Kansas has reached the reproductive stage or is close. Farmers can now start estimating the yield potential of their crop. This article discusses how to use the "yield component method" for estimating corn yields.

corn yield potential yield components 

Grain sorghum yield potential: Understanding the main yield components

In order to best estimate the yield potential of grain sorghum, you need to understand the main plant components of yield. These components are number of plants, tillers per plant, seeds per head, and seeds per pound. The interaction among all four components will determine the actual yield, but a wide range of variation can be expected in all these main yield-driving factors.

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Estimating corn yield potential using the yield component method

Once pollination is complete or near completion, farmers can begin to estimate corn yield potential. To obtain a reasonable estimate, corn should be at least in the milk stage. This article discusses an approach to estimating corn yields - the yield component method. This approach uses a combination of known and projected yield components.

corn yield potential yield components 

Soybean yield potential estimation

Estimating soybean yields will provide an opportunity to obtain a more reliable prediction of yields and to scout fields for associated issues before harvest, such as insects, diseases, and other potential production problems. The effects of the current heat wave can be assessed in the coming week in order to obtain a more precise estimate.

soybeans yield estimates yields yield components 

Grain sorghum yield potential: Understanding the main yield components

In order to best estimate the yield potential of grain sorghum, you need to understand the main plant components of yield. The main yield-driving factors are number of plants, tillers per plant, seeds per head, and seeds per pound. This article discusses each of these factors and their relative importance to the final yield of sorghum.

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Estimating corn yield potential using the yield component method

With many corn fields in Kansas already in reproductive stages, it is time to assess grain yield potential. One way to estimate corn yield is using the yield component method, which uses a combination of known and projected yield components. This article walks through this method with an example yield potential example.

corn yield potential yield estimates yield components 

Grain sorghum yield potential: Understanding the main yield components

Understanding the main plant yield components is essential to estimating grain sorghum's yield potential. The main yield components are the number of plants, tillers per plant, seed per head, and seeds per pound. The initial plant density, planting date, and environment also influence these components.

yield potential sorghum grain sorghum yield components