This is the second article in the “World of Weeds” series. Kochia, also known as tumbleweed, is native to Europe and Asia and was introduced from Europe as an ornamental in the mid- to late- 1800s. It is well adapted to the Great Plains. Read more about this weed and why management is so important to Kansas farmers.
The next article in the World of Weeds series is here! Stinging nettle was chosen in response to a reader request. Learn about the ecology and management options for this weed that can be found growing in disturbed, shady areas.
The common sunflower is next up in our World of Weeds article series. Read more about this plant, including it's ecology and control options, in this article from our Weed Science Specialist, Sarah Lancaster.
The next World of Weeds article is here and features a familiar and frustrating weed for Kansas farmers - Palmer amaranth. Learn about its ecology and growth pattern from Extension Weed Science specialist, Sarah Lancaster.
Yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) is the feature of this month’s World of Weeds article. Several questions have come in recently regarding identification and control of yellow nutsedge. Learn more about this weed species in this article from Sarah Lancaster.
Morningglories (Ipomoea spp) are troublesome weeds that often escape pre-emergent herbicide applications and have the ability to reduce yields and harvest efficiency. Read all about morningglory in this latest installment of the World of Weeds series.
This World of Weeds article features a weed with a funny name, but one that can be a serious problem – especially if residual herbicides are not used. Learn all about Hophornbeam copperleaf and how to control it.
This month's World of Weeds feature plant is bur ragweed, also known as woollyleaf bursage. Bur ragweed is broadleaf perennial weed and is classified as a noxious weed in KS. A deep rooting system allows it to survive extended periods of drought, making it difficult to control.
When the leaves begin to change in the fall, a certain plant really stands out in Kansas fields and rangeland. Smooth sumac, which turns a vibrant red color, is the October World of Weeds feature plant.
Fall is a good time to control weedy brome species. So the November World of Weeds article features downy brome. Learn how to identify this weed and the best way to control it in Kansas.
As we approach the Christmas holiday, the evergreen Eastern redcedar seemed an appropriate species to highlight in this month’s World of Weeds article. While native to Kansas, this species can be troublesome on rangeland when left uncontrolled.
Marestail (Erigeron canadensis), also called horseweed, is a troublesome weed in several cropping systems in Kansas and beyond. Marestail is most problematic in reduced or no-tilled fields. Learn how to identify and control this pest in this latest World of Weeds article.
The next installment in the World of Weeds series is all foxtails. Green foxtail, yellow foxtail, and giant foxtail are three closely related annual weeds common throughout Kansas. Learn about the key identifying features and the most effective control measures.
Giant ragweed, also called horseweed, often comes to mind as a contributor to seasonal allergies in the fall. However, emergence of this weed begins in early spring, making it a timely topic for the March World of Weeds article.
This month's World of Weeds article features two species of bush honeysuckle: Tatarian honeysuckle and Amur honeysuckle. Both of these plants are listed on the KDA Invasive Weed Watch list. Learn more about the ecology, plant characteristics, and control practices in this article.
Tumble windmillgrass (Chloris verticillata), also called windmillgrass is this month’s World of Weeds feature. Questions have been coming in about how to manage this grass as it can be difficult to control with herbicides once it becomes established in no-till fields.
Stinkgrass is a warm-season annual grass that is native to Europe. It can be found in fields, pastures, roadsides, and lawns throughout the United States. Stinkgrass has recently started flowering in Manhattan and is this month's World of Weeds feature plant.
Johnsongrass is a warm-season, perennial plant that is not native to Kansas. Since being introduced as a forage crop in south during the 1880s, it has spread throughout the U.S. It is considered a noxious weed in Kansas. Learn more about this weed and how to control it in this article.
The World of Weeds feature weed this month is prickly sida. This plant is a warm-season annual in the mallow family, the same family as cotton, velvetleaf, and other plants found in Kansas. Learn more about its identifying features and the best management options in this article.
This month's World of Weeds feature is henbit, a winter annual that emerges in the fall or early spring. While not native to Kansas, it is found all throughout the state. Learn more about its identifying features and control options in this article.
Mustard species can often be difficult to differentiate, especially when in the cotyledon or rosette stage. It is important to be able to identify these weeds as some of them vary in their sensitivity to common herbicides. Learn all about mustards in this article.
Poison hemlock was first introduced to the US from Europe during the 1800s. It has successfully invaded most of the United States and is typically found growing in frequently disturbed areas with moist soil, such as pasture and field edges, banks of streams, and in flood plains. Wild carrot is native to Eurasia. It is thought to have been brought to the US by early colonists and is now common in the eastern half of the United States. It can generally be found in pastures, roadsides, and woodland openings and edges. It grows best in full sunlight, as plants growing in heavy shade will act as annual plants. It is rarely found in cultivated or heavily managed fields.
This World of Weeds feature will discuss this weedy relative of wheat, also know as joint goat grass. Jointed goatgrass is a winter annual that germinates roughly the same time as winter wheat and the rate of development of the two species is similar throughout the growing season. It is native to southern Europe and is thought to have been introduced in Kansas during the 1900s as a contaminant in imported wheat. It can be found in a variety of habitats, including roadsides, rights of ways, and fields throughout much on the United States, including all of Kansas.
We have received several questions about controlling hemp dogbane in pastures this summer, with many farmers reporting the weed is becoming more common and troublesome. This World of Weeds article will discuss how to identify this perennial weed and the best management options.
Prickly lettuce, also called wild lettuce, can be found in some wheat fields across Kansas. Similar to horseweed and mustard species, fall and early spring are good times to look for prickly lettuce and to apply control measures. Prickly lettuce is drought tolerant and competes with crops for water.
It's time for another installment of the World of Weeds article series. Corn gromwell is currently flowering in no-till field areas around northeast Kansas. It can be troublesome in winter wheat due to the similarities of their lifecycles. In addition, corn gromwell is well-adapted to dry summers and cold winters.
Extension Weed Science Specialist, Sarah Lancaster, recently received a photo of an unknown weed that is nearly impossible to control with herbicides. The weed is an Equisetum species, also known as horsetails. Two Equisetum species in Kansas are field horsetail and scouring rush.
K-State Weed Science Extension Specialist, Sarah Lancaster, recently was asked to identify a grass that was not controlled by glyphosate. The answer was prairie cupgrass. Prairie cupgrass is a summer annual grass that prefers moist areas. It is native to the Great Plains and found across Kansas in fallow fields and roadsides.
The next weed to be featured in our World of Weeds series is the common dayflower, specifically the Asiatic dayflower and the erect dayflower. Dayflowers are generally found in shady areas with moist soils. Check out this article to learn how to identify these weeds and how to control them if needed.
Toothed spurge is a summer annual plant distributed across the United States. Some Extension clients reached out during late summer and early fall with questions about toothed spurge in their fields. The plant is sometimes called green poinsettia or summer poinsettia. Learn more about this weed in this World of Weeds article for November.
Fall panicum is a summer annual grass native to eastern North America. It is found throughout the U.S. in most soil types. Fall panicum can tolerate compaction and is more prevalent in wetter soils. Nitrate accumulation by the plant can be harmful to livestock. Learn more about this weed and how to control it.
Field bindweed is a perennial vine in the morning glory family that infests millions of acres in the Great Plains. This weed significantly reduces crop yield and quality, reduces land value, interferes with harvest by entangling crop plants, and increases production costs associated with control practices.
This World of Weeds article is focused on tumblegrass. Tumblegrass is a native perennial grass that can become problematic in no-till fields. Don't confuse tumblegrass with tumble windmillgrass highlighted in a previous World of Weeds article. Tumblegrass is found throughout Kansas and control options are limited.
Purple threeawn is a warm-season perennial grass native to Kansas and the Great Plains that can be a challenging weed in fields under long-term no-till management. This species may be found invading fields along with tumble windmillgrass and tumblegrass - other problematic native perennial grasses. It is rarely consumed by animals and is an indicator of overgrazing on rangelands.
It may still be summer in Kansas, but the newest World of Weeds feature is all about snow-on-the-mountain. This plant's showy, white foliage is very noticeable in late summer, and you may see it right now on roadsides and in pastures. Learn more about this weed, which can be toxic to humans and cattle.
This World of Weeds feature is longspine sandbur, sometimes called mat sandbur or grassy sandbur. As the name implies, this grass produces seeds in spiny burs. It grows in disturbed areas, including cultivated fields, roadsides, field edges, and farmsteads.
This World of Weeds feature is all about shattercane. Shattercane (Sorghum bicolor), sometimes called wild cane or black amber, is the same species as our domesticated sorghum. Yield losses from shattercane interference can be as high as 70% in corn and greater than 95% in soybeans.
In December 2019, Extension Weed Science specialist Sarah Lancaster launched a new article series all about weeds. The "World of Weeds" series features a different weed species that typically has agronomic implications for farmers and ranchers in Kansas. Check out all the past World of Weeds articles!
Old World Bluestems (OWB) are the focus of this World of Weeds article. They are very competitive with native species and are prolific seed producers. The invasive nature and relatively low palatability of quickly maturing OWBs allow them to increase once established. Learn more about identification and management options in this article.
This World of Weeds article will focus on wild buckwheat, sometimes called black bindweed. This annual vining plant is often confused with field bindweed because of their similar leaf shapes and growth habits. This article will examine key differences between the two weeds.