eUpdate Articles Tagged: winter survival

As temperatures fall, what factors influence the survival of winter canola?

winter survival canola weather climate 

Factors to consider in winter survival of wheat

Ideally wheat plants should have at least 1-2 tillers and 3-5 leaves, as well as a good crown root system development, when going into the winter. However, many Kansas wheat fields were sown relatively late this year, and have faced below-average temperatures, which slowed down crop development.

wheat winter hardiness winter survival cold tolerance dry soils 

Update on winter wheat growth and development in Kansas

Despite sowing this year's wheat on time, the amount of wheat emerged is below average. Reasons for the delayed emergence include below-average precipitation and temperatures during the fall. Producers can assess their wheat crop in a few different ways. Find out more in this article from Dr. Lollato, Wheat Specialist.

wheat winter survival development crop progress 

Possible consequences of icy conditions to the Kansas wheat and alfalfa crops

The weather during the period of December 16, 2019 to January 17, 2020 brought some much needed moisture to the Kansas wheat crop, with some areas seeing a considerable amount of ice and snow. What, if any, impact did these weather events have on the Kansas wheat and alfalfa crops?

wheat alfalfa winter survival ice 

Factors to consider in winter survival of wheat

The official start of winter is still over a month away, but Kansas has already experienced winter-like weather this fall. This article discusses some of the factors to consider when evaluating the outlook for winter survival of wheat.

wheat winter hardiness winter survival 

Potential for winterkill to the Kansas wheat crop

The extremely cold temperatures observed in Kansas in mid-February have the potential to cause winterkill to the winter wheat crop. Several factors come into play when talking about potential winterkill. Read more here from K-State wheat specialist Romulo Lollato.

wheat winter hardiness winter survival cold temperatures 

Factors involved in winter survival of canola in Kansas

Winter survival of canola in Kansas is a complicated issue. Stand losses can be caused by one or more abiotic and biotic factors. Learn more about those factors and how to assess your winter canola stand in this article from K-State canola breeder Mike Stamm and farming systems specialist Ignacio Ciampitti.

canola winter hardiness winter survival cold temperatures 

Should you be concerned about winterkill in winter canola?

Questions have arisen about the status of the winter canola crop in Kansas. This article discusses the various weather conditions that have occurred across the canola-growing region and what the resulting impacts may be as we enter the last half of the winter season.

winter survival canola winter canola winterkill 

After a rough start this fall, what factors influence the survival of winter canola?

Winter canola planting conditions in fall 2022 were more challenging than in recent years. Continual drought is impacting all corners of the state and in particular south-central Kansas where most canola is planted. How could dry soils and late emergence affect the winter survival of canola this year?

winter survival canola winter canola 

What factors influence the survival of winter canola?

In last week’s eUpdate, we have discussed the impact of delayed emergence on canola winter survival. This week, we examine a few other factors that can influence winter survival. Winter survival is complicated as stand losses can be caused by one or more abiotic and biotic stresses.

canola winter hardiness winter survival winter canola 

After a better start in 2023, what factors influence the survival of winter canola?

Winter canola planting conditions were much improved in the fall of 2023. While much of central Kansas remains at some level of drought intensity, the majority of the canola crop was seeded following timely rains, leading to optimum growth. Rapid and timely emergence is critical for attaining the right amount of growth before winter.

canola winter survival winter canola stand establishment 

Potential for winterkill to the Kansas wheat crop

The extremely cold temperatures observed in Kansas in mid-January 2025 have the potential to cause winterkill to the winter wheat crop. However, several factors determine whether winter wheat will survive the winter. Learn more in this article from K-State Extension Wheat specialist Romulo Lollato.

wheat winter survival freeze injury winterkill 
