eUpdate Articles Tagged: wheat planting

Considerations when planting wheat into dry soil

The lack of recent rainfall across portions of central and western KS has resulted in dry soil near the surface. For wheat that still needs planted, producers have a few options. Learn more about planting wheat into dry soils in this article.

wheat dry soils wheat planting 

Wheat planting: Be cautious of planting too early

Early sowing of wheat can lead to several problems. Ideally, growers should consider planting around the optimum window. However, if planting early due to moisture availability or a dual-purpose system, growers should consider selecting wheat varieties with tolerance to the major yield-reducing factors in their respective regions. Learn more in this article.

wheat optimum planting dates wheat planting early-planted wheat 

Wheat planting - Tips for good stand establishment

Regardless of the soil moisture conditions at wheat planting time, there are a few important steps producers can take to improve their chances of getting a good stand of wheat. This article discusses tips for establishing a good wheat stand and includes links to additional online resources related to wheat production.

wheat wheat planting 

Considerations when planting wheat into dry soil

Several areas across Kansas are still experiencing drought conditions. Topsoil conditions are very dry in many areas of Kansas. For wheat yet to be planted in these areas, producers are left with a few options. This article discusses the different strategies for planting wheat when the soil is lacking adequate moisture.

wheat dry soils Drought wheat planting 

Management considerations for no-till wheat following a summer row crop

With fall harvest progressing at earlier than normal rates and many row-crop acres chopped for silage, producers may consider planting wheat back into freshly harvested summer crop residue. While the current drought conditions offer significant challenges, there are additional considerations when seeding wheat immediately after the harvest of a summer crop.

wheat no-tillage wheat planting pre-harvest desiccant 

Wheat planting conditions in Kansas: Middle of October 2023

Prolonged drought continues across Kansas. However, Kansas's next 7-day precipitation forecast indicates that the region could see widespread moisture. What does this mean for wheat yet to be planted? This article gives an update on the wheat planting conditions across Kansas and looks ahead at the weather forecast.

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