eUpdate Articles Tagged: variety trials

Southeast Kansas 2020 wheat variety test results

The Kansas State University Crop Performance Tests were conducted in replicated research fields throughout the state.This report summarizes winter wheat production (hard-red and soft-red varieties) for Parsons, Kansas.

wheat yield forecast Performance Tests variety trials disease resistance 

2021 wheat variety fall forage yield comparison

Fall forage yield is an important aspect of dual-purpose wheat production. While weather and management practices are two main factors affecting fall forage yield, there are differences among varieties with respect to fall forage potential.

wheat fall forage dual purpose variety trials 

2020 National Winter Canola Variety Trial results

The 2020 National Winter Canola Variety Trial results are now available. These trials evaluate the performance of released and experimental varieties, determine where these varieties are best adapted, and increase the visibility of winter canola across the United States.

canola variety trials  

Exceptional winter canola yields observed in 2021

Winter canola yields attained superior levels at testing sites in Kansas in 2021. Dense canopies, filled with an abundance of seed pods and flowering late into the growing season, were witnessed at multiple locations. Careful variety selection is very important for successful winter canola production.

canola Performance Tests yield results winter canola variety trials 

2020 Kansas Summer Annual Forage Hay and Silage Variety Trial final report

In 2020, summer annual forage variety trials were conducted across Kansas near Garden City, Hays, and Scandia. All sites evaluated hay and silage entries. Breeders, marketers, and producers use data collected from the trials to make informed variety selections.

silage hay fall forage summer annual forage variety trials  

2021 Kansas Summer Annual Forage Hay and Silage Variety Trial results now available

The results of the 2021 Kansas Performance Tests with summer annual forage varieties are available online. Summer annual forage performance tests are conducted each year by the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station.

hay forage summer annual forage variety trials 

2021 Kansas Performance Tests with Soybean Varieties report now available

The 2021 Kansas Performance Tests with Soybean Varieties report is now online and in print form. Producers, crop consultants, and others can use this resource to help select soybean varieties for their operation by checking for varieties that show a consistently good performance in their region.

soybeans Performance Tests variety trials 

2021 National Winter Canola Variety Trial results

The results of the 2021 National Winter Canola Variety Trial (NWCVT) are now available online. The objectives of the NWCVT are to evaluate the performance of released and experimental varieties, determine where these varieties are best adapted, and increase the visibility of winter canola across the United States.

canola winter canola variety trials  

2021 Kansas Summer Annual Forage Hay and Silage Variety Trial final report

In 2021,summer annual forage variety trials were conducted across Kansas near Garden City, Hays, and Scandia. All sites evaluated hay and silage entries. Across the sites, a total of 104 hay varieties and 55 sorghum silage varieties were evaluated. The results are summarized in the 2021 Kansas Forage Report, now available online.

hay silage summer annual forage variety trials  

2022 Kansas cool-season forage performance tests

The results of the 2022 Kansas Performance Tests for cool-season annual forage varieties are available online. Results are available for both yield and nutrient value for the cool-season forages. Annual forage performance tests are conducted each year by the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station.

forage variety trials cool-season 

2022 National Winter Canola Variety Trial results

The results of the 2022 National Winter Canola Variety Trial are now available online. This trial is planted at locations in the Great Plains, Northern Plains, Midwest, and Southeast. The objectives are to evaluate the performance of released and experimental varieties, determine where these varieties are best adapted, and increase the visibility of winter canola across the United States.

canola winter canola variety trials  

K-State Industrial Hemp Dual-Purpose Variety Trials

There are many uses for industrial hemp, and the market for industrial hemp is rapidly growing as more states are legalizing its production. Industrial hemp is marketed for oil, grain, and fiber. Since 2019 commercially available industrial hemp varieties have been evaluated at two locations in Kansas. This article reviews the results from these variety trials.

hemp variety trials industrial hemp 

Coleoptile length of winter wheat varieties 2023

Wheat varieties with long coleoptiles are more likely to emerge when planted deep enough to reach soil moisture from past rainfall. An updated publication is now available in the Wheat Rx series that examines the coleoptiles lengths of many Kansas wheat varieties.

wheat publication variety trials wheat variety coleoptile 

2023 Kansas Performance Tests with Winter Wheat Varieties report available online

The Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station annually compares both new and currently grown varieties in the state’s major crop-producing areas. These performance tests generate unbiased performance information designed to help Kansas growers select wheat varieties. The results from the 2023 wheat variety tests are now available.

wheat Performance Tests variety trials  

Wheat variety fall forage yield comparison for 2023-24

Fall forage yield is an important aspect of dual-purpose wheat production. There are differences among wheat varieties in forage production potential. Each year, the K-State Wheat Production Group compares the forage yield of several commonly grown wheat varieties and upcoming lines. Learn about the latest results in this article.

fall forage dual purpose yield results wheat variety trials 
