Now is the time to begin considering how to terminate winter cover crops in preparation for summer crops. While some species will be killed due to freezing over the winter, others will need to be terminated by mechanical or chemical methods.
As September begins, some producers are thinking about seeding winter cover crops in fields currently planted to corn. The successful establishment of winter cover crops is influenced by several factors. This article provides some additional details about cover crop responses to various herbicides.
weed control cover crops herbicide termination herbicide injury
Now is the time to begin considering how to terminate winter cover crops in preparation for summer crops. Some cover crop species are likely to be killed by freezing over the winter. But, many cover crops will need to be terminated by mechanical or chemical methods in the spring. Learn more in this article!
Cover crop response to herbicides will be influenced by a number of factors, including biological and biochemical characteristics of the plant, chemical characteristics of the herbicide, and weather conditions since herbicide application. This article summarizes the response of selected fall-plantedvcover crops to herbicides applied the previous spring.
Cropping options to follow an early terminated wheat crop could be similar to those for full-season crops. At this point, viable crop options are still corn, soybeans, and sorghum. General agronomic considerations, herbicide carryover, and weed management are addressed for each crop in this article.