eUpdate Articles Tagged: tall fescue

Fall planting of tall fescue pastures

tall fescue planting pastures 

Fertilization of tall fescue and smooth bromegrass pastures and hayfields

There is still time to apply fertilizer to tall fescue and smooth bromegrass meadows and pastures. The amount and timing of application depends on several factors. Read about those factors and other consideration in this article.

tall fescue bromegrass pasture fertilization hayfields 

Seed production management for smooth bromegrass and tall fescue

K-State Research and Extension just released an updated version of the publication MF924 - Seed Production Management for Smooth Bromegrass and Tall Fescue. This resource describes management practices to produce high yields of seeds from smooth bromegrass and tall fescue fields.

publication tall fescue bromegrass 

Damaged or dead fescue pastures: Options for 2023

Farmers manage one million acres of tall fescue which are important forage sources for livestock production in Kansas. Lack of timely rainfall across Kansas, particularly in the southeast, resulted in very limited forage growth. What options are there for forage stands that have died or been severely damaged?

pastures tall fescue fescue 
