The Department of Entomology at K-State is asking for your help in delivering the best pest information to those they serve across the state. Help them out by taking a few minutes to complete this short survey.
Extension Agronomy needs your input! Help us improve our very popular Chemical Weed Control Guide by taking a very short survey. Details are in this article!
Extension Agronomy needs your input! Help us improve our very popular Chemical Weed Control Guide by taking a very short survey. Details are in this article!
The Weed Science group at the K-State Ag Research Center in Hays seeks input from Kansas producers and agriculture professionals. Please complete a brief survey related to weed management practices and herbicide-resistant weed problems
Herbicide-resistant weeds are threatening the profitability and long-term sustainability of Kansas cropping systems. We are seeking input on this issue from Kansas farmers and agriculture professionals.
Please consider completing a short survey on herbicide resistant weed control. The survey will close at the end of August. Information collected will help develop innovative, cost-effective and integrated weed management practices for Kansas farmers.
Calling all Kansas soybean growers! Please consider completing a very short survey about your 2021 soybean planting intentions. Results from the survey will guide fall and winter extension programs.
What are your 2021 planting intentions for soybeans? Do you have 5 minutes to complete a survey to help guide fall and winter extension programming? If so, please complete this survey!
There is still time to participate in a short survey concerning your soybean planting intentions for the 2021 season. This survey will help guide winter extension programming and is completely anonymous.
To help sustain farms and communities in western KS and neighboring states in the Central Arkansas River Basin, a Food-Energy-Water study is underway to expand use of wind and solar energy to support agriculture. Please consider completing a short survey if you live in this study region.
The K-State Weed Science Extension team is looking for your input! Herbicide application practices such as sprayer speed and spray volume influence weed control as well as whole-farm efficiency. Please consider filling out a short survey related to this topic.
The Weed Science Extension Team needs your help! Please consider participating in a short online survey on herbicide application practices. This is a completely anonymous survey. A paper copy can be mailed if requested.
If you did not get a chance to participate in a short survey about your herbicide application practices back in February, you have another chance! Help out the Extension Weed Science Team and fill out this short survey! Thank you!
A collaborative research project is underway with weed scientists from Kansas State, University of Nebraska, and University of Wisconsin. As part of this effort, they have created a survey for growers, consultants, and extension personnel.
A collaborative research project is underway with weed scientists from Kansas State, University of Nebraska, and University of Wisconsin. As part of this effort, they have created a survey for growers, consultants, and extension personnel. Learn how to participate in this effort in this article.
myFields is an online tool that provides crop producers with pest management information, such as pest diagnostics, pesticide application information, and real-time notification of pest issues. Please consider participating in a short survey about this tool.
As a member of the agricultural community, we ask that you participate in our survey and provide input on how to improve the user experience of myFields. myFields is an online tool that provides crop producers with pest management information. The survey deadline is April 1, 2022.
A working group of multiple U.S. universities headed by K-State have partnered to conduct a multi-state assessment of farmers’ approaches to on-farm research, including its importance and willingness to participate. The survey is online and will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Farmer’s responses and information are voluntary and will be recorded anonymously.
Have you listened to any of the War on Weeds podcast? If so, your help is requested to help the creators make improvements in the future. Please consider participating in a short, 5-minute survey about the podcast. This article also includes the link to the podcast if you want to catch some past episodes.
Have you listened to any of the War on Weeds podcast? If so, your help is requested to help the creators make improvements in the future. Please consider participating in a short, 5-minute survey about the podcast. This article also includes the link to the podcast if you want to catch some past episodes.
K-State Research and Extension has released a brief survey to gather information that will inform the organization's efforts to provide education and information in every Kansas county. Any Kansas resident over age 18 is eligible to take the survey.
Row crop farmers with at least 100 acres of corn in 2021 or 2022 are needed to take a research survey on crop insurance. The survey covers some basic questions about their operation and hypothetical crop insurance decisions. Completing the survey only takes about 30 minutes.
Have you been keeping up with the "War Against Weeds" podcast? Over 100 full-length episodes have been recorded and are available online. The War Against Weeds team is conducting a survey to improve the podcast. Please consider participating!
Have you been keeping up with the "War Against Weeds" podcast? If so, we would love to hear from you! The War Against Weeds team is conducting a survey to improve the podcast. Please consider taking a very short survey about the podcast.
Cotton has established a place in Kansas. K-State Research & Extension wants to hear from cotton growers to understand better the current status of cotton production and emerging challenges. Please consider completing a short survey to help guide cotton research and extension programming in Kansas.
Calling all cotton producers - we want to hear from you! K-State Research and Extension seeks to better understand the current status of cotton production and the emerging challenges for Kansas producers. Please consider completing a short survey which will help guide research and extension programming in cotton.
There is still time to help guide research and extension programming on cotton production in Kansas. If you grow cotton, please consider participating in a short survey. We want to hear from cotton growers to understand better the current status of cotton production and emerging challenges.
With the recent increase in early soybean planting, considerable research has been conducted on various weed management strategies. However, real-world farmer insights are limited. This survey explores the practical aspects of early planting, chemical use, and row spacing.
K-State Weed Science is asking soybean growers to complete a short survey. With the recent increase in early soybean planting, considerable research has been conducted on various weed management strategies. However, real-world farmer insights are limited. This survey explores the practical aspects of early planting, chemical use, and row spacing.
Kansas State University, in collaboration with the Colorado Conservation Tillage Association and the Kansas Natural Resources Conservation Service, invites all producers from the semi-arid Great Plains region to participate in a survey that will gain insight into how producers view incorporating cover crops into their cropping systems.
All producers from the semi-arid Great Plains region are invited to participate in a survey to provide insight into how producers view incorporating cover crops into their cropping systems. Researchers want to gain producers' perspectives on using cover crops in water-limited environments, particularly in drier regions of Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado.