eUpdate Articles Tagged: sunflowers

Late winter kochia control in fields going to soybeans, sunflowers, and wheat

This is the third and final article discussing pre-emergence herbicides for kochia control. This week, we will discuss recommendations specific to fields planted to soybeans or sunflower this spring and wheat in the fall.

wheat soybeans weed control kochia pre-emergence sunflowers 

High Plains Sunflower Production Meetings - March 12 and 13

The High Plains Sunflower Committee, Kansas State University, and Colorado State University are hosting a series of sunflower production meetings. The dates and locations are Tuesday, March 12, in Hugoton, Kansas, and Wednesday, March 13, in Burlington, Colorado. These meetings are free and available in person and remotely via Zoom.

meetings sunflowers 

Sunflower production: Matching hybrids to market needs

Have you considered growing sunflowers as part of your summer crop plans? Sunflower producers have a number of market types to choose from when deciding to raise a sunflower crop. Specific hybrid types should be selected to meet a particular market. Learn more in this article.

hybrid selection sunflowers markets hybrids 
