eUpdate Articles Tagged: sulfur

Sulfur deficiency in wheat

In recent years, sulfur (S) deficiency in wheat has become common in many areas of Kansas, particularly in no-till wheat. Learn how to identify S deficiency and the appropriate management practices for your production system.

wheat sulfur deficiency 

Recommendations for topdressing wheat with sulfur

In recent years, sulfur deficiency in wheat has become common in many areas of Kansas, particularly in no-till wheat. Learn more about this nutrient deficiency and how to manage it in this article from our soil fertility specialist, Dr. Ruiz Diaz.

wheat sulfur topdress 

Sulfur deficiency in wheat

In recent years, sulfur deficiency in wheat has become more common in portions of Kansas. Learn how to identify deficiency symptoms and the best management options in this article from soil fertility specialist Dr. Ruiz Diaz.

wheat sulfur nutrient deficiency 

Sulfur deficiency in wheat

In recent years, sulfur deficiency in wheat has become more common in many areas of Kansas, particularly in no-till wheat. Learn how to properly identify sulfur-deficient wheat and the best management options.

wheat sulfur yellow wheat nutrient deficiency 

Considerations for wheat fields prone to sulfur deficiency

In recent years, sulfur deficiency in wheat has become more common in many areas of Kansas, particularly in no-till wheat. Sulfur deficiency in wheat is often difficult to identify from visual symptoms. Soil testing can help identify areas of the field that may need sulfur applications.

wheat sulfur yellow wheat nutrient deficiency 

Considerations for wheat fields prone to sulfur deficiency

In recent years, sulfur deficiency in wheat has become more common in many areas of Kansas, particularly in no-till systems. This article discusses the factors that influence sulfur deficiency in wheat, how to identify a deficiency issue, and the best management options.

wheat no-tillage sulfur nutrient deficiency 

Topdressing canola: How to maximize the benefits

Producers should topdress with nitrogen, sulfur, and possibly boron in late winter to maximize the yield potential of winter canola. Producers should make topdress applications with consideration for the environmental conditions, the nutrients needed, and the application method. The typical time to topdress winter canola is during the rosette stage.

canola sulfur topdress nitrogen fertilizer 
