eUpdate Articles Tagged: stripe rust

Outlook for stripe rust in the 2020 Kansas wheat crop

As spring weather continues, disease management decisions will need to be made by Kansas wheat growers. K-State wheat pathologist, Dr. Erick DeWolf discusses the outlook for stripe rust in the 2020 Kansas wheat crop.

wheat disease outlook stripe rust 

Time to start scouting wheat for stripe and leaf rust

With more reports of stripe rust appearing in Oklahoma and a recent report of disease in southeast KS, the time to start scouting wheat fields is now. Photos and scouting tips are featured in this article from K-State Plant Pathologist Dr. Erick DeWolf.

wheat disease stripe rust leaf rust 

Evaluating the need for foliar fungicides on wheat

Leaf diseases in wheat are often managed by a combination of genetic resistance and crop rotation. However, foliar fungicides may be needed when these practices fail to suppress disease levels. What should producers consider before any treatment application?

wheat disease stripe rust foliar fungicides 

Reports of stripe rust are increasing across Kansas, although incidence remains low

Scouting efforts from across Kansas have reported several new occurrences of stripe rust this week. So far, incidence has been low. However, producers should continue to scout their fields. Read more in this article from Extension Plant Pathology.

wheat disease stripe rust 

Wheat disease update for Kansas - May 15, 2020

Stripe rust has been reported in multiple locations across Kansas in recent weeks. More recently, it has been seen in the upper canopy. For a complete wheat disease update, see this article from Extension Plant Pathology.

wheat disease stripe rust loose smut wheat streak mosaic 

Wheat disease update and fungicide considerations

Stripe rust continues to be the top disease story for Kansas wheat in 2020. Leaf rust has also made an appearance. What other diseases should you be looking for and are fungicides still an option? Find out more in this article.

wheat disease fungicide stripe rust leaf rust fusarium head blight 

Upcoming warm weather may slow down stripe rust spread

Stripe rust has continued to show up in Kansas, with additional observations made in western counties. Incidence does remain very low in many locations. Get a complete update on current conditions in this article.

wheat stripe rust 

Outlook for stripe rust in the 2021 Kansas wheat crop

With the onset of spring weather, it is time to look at factors that could influence the yield potential of the Kansas wheat crop. Producers may be starting to consider disease management plans. Read about the outlook for stripe rust in Kansas for 2021.

wheat disease stripe rust 

Time to start scouting wheat for stripe rust: First reports in southeast Kansas

The first reports of stripe rust in Kansas have come in this last week. These reports have been only in the southeastern corner. Growers in south central and southeast Kansas should be scouting their fields in the coming days and weeks.

wheat disease stripe rust scouting 

Stripe rust distribution and risk assessment - April 29, 2021

The wheat crop is moving into the flag leaf stage in central Kansas and heading in the southern counties. Now is a critical time to assess the need for a foliar fungicide application. Scouting is a critical first step for stripe rust control. Learn more in this article from K-State wheat pathologists.

wheat stripe rust foliar fungicides foliar diseases 

Wheat disease update - May 6, 2021

This article summarizes the various wheat disease reports from across Kansas this past week. Several diseases are showing up in different locations, so now is the time to be actively scouting wheat fields.

wheat disease stripe rust leaf rust wheat streak mosaic 

Fusarium head blight outlook and fungicide recommendations

Wet weather in many parts of Kansas this week are favorable for both Fusarium head blight (FHB or scab) and stripe rust development. In this article, we walk through some reminders for fungicide applications for each of these diseases. Timing of treatment is key!

wheat fungicide stripe rust fusarium head blight head scab 

Outlook for stripe rust in the 2022 Kansas wheat crop

The weather is warming, and wheat has started to green up across the state. With the onset of spring weather, it is time to look at factors that could influence the yield potential of the Kansas wheat crop. At the time of this publication, there have been no reports of stripe rust in Kansas.

wheat stripe rust foliar diseases 

Wheat disease update: April 21, 2022

With dry conditions throughout Kansas, disease pressure has been below average in most scouted locations. At the time of publication of this article, there have been no reports of either stripe rust or leaf rust in Kansas. Additionally, there have been reports of low rust pressure in both Oklahoma and Texas. Dry conditions in the region may be suppressing disease development.

wheat disease stripe rust leaf rust 

Wheat disease updates and outlook for stripe rust in 2023 Kansas wheat crop

The weather is warming, and wheat has started to green up across the state. It is time to look at factors that could influence the yield potential of the Kansas wheat crop. There are several factors that contribute to the development and severity of stripe rust in our region. Learn more in this article from K-State Plant Pathology.

wheat disease stripe rust 

Kansas wheat disease update - May 11, 2023

The first incidence of stripe rust was detected this week in irrigated wheat. Dry conditions have remained unfavorable for stripe rust development. Recent rain showers in some areas have led to low levels of tan spot. There is a slightly elevated risk in some south central and southeastern counties for Fusarium head blight.

wheat disease stripe rust fusarium head blight tan spot 

What impact will late-season stripe rust have on the wheat crop?

Rainy, cool weather late in the season has led to trace levels of stripe rust showing up in many counties in central and western Kansas. Most fields in Kansas are past the pre-harvest intervals for a fungicide application and no application should be considered at this point. Read more about late-season stripe rust in this article.

disease wheat fungicide stripe rust 

Outlook for stripe rust in 2024 Kansas wheat crop

Over the last ten years, stripe rust has been one of the most damaging wheat diseases in Kansas. Several factors contribute to the development and severity of stripe rust in our region within a given year. Stripe rust severity in Kansas is largely driven by weather conditions in the state in the late spring and the varieties planted.

wheat disease outlook stripe rust 

Stripe rust distribution and risk assessment for Kansas - April 25, 2024

The wheat crop is moving quickly and is ahead of schedule in many locations. Now is a critical time to assess the need for a foliar fungicide application. Regions in the state that are expecting high moisture over the coming days may be at risk for more severe disease development.

wheat disease fungicide stripe rust foliar fungicides 

Wheat stripe rust update and fungicide considerations

As of May 2, stripe rust has been detected in 24 Kansas counties. The wheat crop is ahead of schedule, and there is a dramatic difference in yield potential between parts of the state that have received moisture and parts that have not. Here, we review some key wheat fungicide considerations.

wheat fungicide stripe rust foliar fungicides