eUpdate Articles Tagged: spring outlook

March weather outlook and looking beyond to Spring

Will this spring be cool and wet? How about warm and dry? Only time will tell for sure, but our specialists in the Kansas Climate Office offer their interpretations of the newly released 3-month outlook and what it may mean for Kansas.

weather spring outlook 

Spring weather outlook for 2022 in Kansas

Have you found yourself asking this question: “Why do the storms keep missing most of Kansas to the east/south and will it continue?” The one sure thing with weather is it always changes. Let’s look at what has happened, the current scenario, and what the forecast looks like heading into spring.

weather spring outlook climate 

2022 soil moisture and temperature outlook of spring planting in Kansas

Soil temperatures across Kansas are warming up as the month of April begins. Dry conditions continue to persist across western Kansas. Be sure to monitor soil temperatures and soil moisture in your area and adjust yield target expectations and inputs to ensure the best stand establishment and season long success for your spring-planted row crops.

soil moisture spring outlook temperature 

Looking ahead to spring weather in Kansas

Despite two cold weeks in January, winter 2023-2024 has been warm. Precipitation was much above normal until February. Now, things are drying out and greening up, and the landscape is in need of precipitation. This article will look to the future and provide some ideas of what to expect for spring and early summer 2024.

weather spring climate spring outlook