All soybean growers in Kansas are invited to participate in the 2020 Kansas Soybean Yield and Value Contests. Don't miss this opportunity to showcase your high yields this year!
Soybean harvest is well underway in parts of Kansas. Don't forget to showcase your high yields! All soybean growers are invited to participate in the 2020 Kansas Soybean Yield and Value Contests. Read more about how to enter in this article.
The Kansas Soybean Association is calling all soybean farmers in Kansas to enter their competitive soybean crop into the Kansas Soybean Yield Contest by December 1. The Kansas Soybean Value Contest that analyzes protein, oil, and other soybean qualities is also open for entries.
Soybean farmers across Kansas are encouraged to enter their competitive soybean crop into the Kansas Soybean Yield Contest by December 1. The statewide Kansas Soybean Value Contest that analyzes protein, oil and other soybean qualities is also open for entries. Learn more about these contests in this article.
Don't forget to enter your high-yielding soybean crop into the Kansas Soybean Yield Contest! Monetary awards will be presented for the top 3 finishers in each district. The Kansas Soybean Value Contest that analyzes protein, oil and other soybean qualities is also open for entries.
The Kansas Soybean Association is calling all soybean farmers in Kansas to enter their competitive soybean crop into the Kansas Soybean Yield Contest by December 1. New for 2022, the Kansas Soybean Association will sponsor three participants to attend Commodity Classic in March 2023. First place in both contests, as well as one randomly drawn participant who entered both contests, earn the trip. Learn more in this article.
The Kansas Soybean Association is calling all soybean farmers in Kansas to enter their competitive soybean crop into the Kansas Soybean Yield Contest by December 1. The statewide Kansas Soybean Value Contest, which analyzes protein, oil, and other soybean qualities, is also open for entries.
Have you harvested your soybeans yet? The Kansas Soybean Association is calling all soybean farmers in Kansas to enter their competitive soybean crop into the Kansas Soybean Yield Contest by December 1. The statewide Kansas Soybean Value Contest, which analyzes protein, oil, and other soybean qualities, is also open for entries.
All soybean farmers in Kansas are encouraged to enter their competitive soybean crop into the Kansas Soybean Yield Contest. The statewide Kansas Soybean Value Contest, which analyzes protein, oil, and other soybean qualities, is also open for entries. The Kansas Soybean Association has implemented important date changes for the 2024 contests. Learn more in this article.