The season of winter crop schools is quickly approaching. Check out this article and get these dates on your calendar for the 2020 Winter Crop Schools. More info will be coming in future eUpdate articles.
Registration is open for the K-State Winter Crop Schools. In conjunction with our partners, we are offering 6 Corn Schools, 3 Soybean Schools, and 3 Grain Sorghum Schools in 2020. Details are in this article and more info will follow in an upcoming eUpdate.
A series of six K-State Soybean Production Schools will be offered in January to provide in-depth training targeted for #soybean producers and key-stakeholders. The schools are sponsored by the Kansas Soybean Commission. Details on each location and how to register are in this article.
Registration is still open for all the K-State Soybean Schools! Join Extension specialists from agronomy, plant pathology, entomology, and ag economics at any of the 6 locations for in-depth training in soybean production. The schools are sponsored by the Kansas Soybean Commission.
There's still time to register and attend of six Soybean Schools! Each school will address topics specific to issues faced by producers in that region. These schools are free to attend and a meal will be provided. Don't miss out and get registered today.
Save the date for one of the K-State 2022 Soybean Schools! A series of six schools, sponsored by the Kansas Soybean Commission, are scheduled at locations across the state in late January/early February. Agendas for each location will be released soon. Get registered today!
A series of six K-State Soybean Production Schools will be offered in late January and early February to provide in-depth training targeted for soybean producers and key-stakeholders. The schools will be sponsored by the Kansas Soybean Commission. Get registered today!
A series of six K-State Soybean Production Schools will be offered in late January and early February to provide in-depth training targeted for soybean producers and key-stakeholders. The schools will be sponsored by the Kansas Soybean Commission.
A series of six K-State Soybean Production Schools will be offered in late January and early February to provide in-depth training targeted for soybean producers and key-stakeholders. Registration is requested by January 14.
There is still time to get registered to attend a Soybean School near you! A series of six K-State Soybean Production Schools will be offered in late January and early February. The schools will cover a number of issues facing soybean growers .
A series of six K-State Soybean Production Schools will be offered in late January and early February to provide in-depth training targeted for soybean producers and key-stakeholders. Don't miss out on attending a school near you! Locations and contact information can be found in this article.
It’s not too late to attend a 2022 Kansas Soybean School! There are two remaining schools to be held on February 8 in Oakley and Great Bend. These events will provide in-depth training targeted for soybean producers and key-stakeholders. Get registered today!
Get this event on your calendar! K-State Research and Extension is hosting a one-day Soybean School on Feb. 22 in Salina. The free event is sponsored by the Kansas Soybean Commission. Topics covered include crop production, breeding updates, insect and disease control, soybean markets, and more! Don't miss it!
K-State Research and Extension will be offering a one-day Soybean School on February 22 in Salina. This event will provide in-depth training targeted for soybean producers and key-stakeholders. Registration is now open for this free event.
K-State Research and Extension will be offering a one-day Soybean School on February 22 in Salina. This event will provide in-depth training targeted for soybean producers and key-stakeholders. Presentations will include crop production practices, soybean breeding update, Kansas Mesonet tools, insect and disease management, and a market outlook.
Have you registered for the K-State Soybean School yet? This one-day school is scheduled for Feb. 22 in Salina. This school will provide the latest information on growing soybeans in Kansas. There is no cost to attend and a lunch will be provided. Don't miss out this!
There is still time to register for the K-State Soybean School. This one-day event is set for February 22 in Salina, KS. Some topics that will be covered include crop production practices, soybean breeding update, Kansas Mesonet tools, insect and disease management, and market outlook. Don't miss out on this school!
In January 2024, look for a new format for the traditional K-State Corn and Soybean Winter Crop Schools. K-State Research and Extension, in collaboration with Kansas Corn and Kansas Soybean, has combined the schools for a whole-day program covering both crops. Save the date for one of the locations near you!
Did you miss the news that the Kansas Corn and Soybean Schools are combining in 2024? New in January 2024, the Corn and Soybean Winter Crop Schools will be held jointly at 4 locations across Kansas on January 16-19. Save the date for a location near you!
Registration is open for the combined Corn and Soybean Winter Crop Schools! New for 2024, these schools will feature a full-day program targeting soybean and corn production in Kansas. Four locations across Kansas will feature region-specific topics. Get registered today!
In case you missed it...there is a new format for the traditional winter crop schools this year. In January, four one-day schools will be held at locations across Kansas. Each school will feature a range of region-specific topics covering corn and soybean production. Registration is open for these free events. Don't miss out!
K-State Research and Extension, in collaboration with Kansas Corn and Kansas Soybean, has combined schools for a whole-day program covering both soybeans and corn. Each school will feature a range of region-specific topics covering corn and soybean production. With four locations spread across Kansas, don't miss out on attending a school near you! Registration is open for these free events.
K-State Research and Extension is teaming up with Kansas Corn and Kansas Soybean to bring a combined crop school to Kansas's farmers and agricultural professionals. This year, four schools will be spread across Kansas, with a full-day program targeting each region. Registration is open for these free events.
Don't miss out on attending the K-State Corn and Soybean Schools happening in four locations across Kansas in mid-January. This year features a whole-day program devoted to both corn and soybeans, with region-specific topics at each location. These schools are free to attend with a hot lunch provided. Get signed up today!
Did you miss one of the in-person Corn and Soybean Schools? The last of the Kansas Soybean and Corn Schools is being offered as a virtual event on February 22. There is still time to register for this school. Come learn about market updates, crop disease management, and agronomic practices.
Did you miss one of the in-person Corn and Soybean Schools? The last of the Kansas Soybean and Corn Schools is being offered as a virtual event on February 22. There is still time to register for this school. Come learn about market updates, crop disease management, and agronomic practices
For the second year, Kansas Corn and Kansas Soybean are partnering with K-State Research and Extension to offer the Kansas Corn and Soybean Crop Schools. These full-day winter learning sessions will feature informative presentations for both crops. Save the date for a location near you!
Kansas Corn and Kansas Soybean are partnering with K-State Research and Extension to offer the Kansas Corn and Soybean Crop Schools. These full-day winter learning sessions will feature informative presentations for both crops. Registration is open for all four locations. Reserve your spot today!
This updated article on the 2025 Kansas Corn and Soybean Schools contains the complete program for each school. Check out a school near you and get registered today! The schools are free to attend, and a lunch will be provided. Details on how to register can be found in this article. Don't miss this opportunity to learn the latest on corn and soybean production.