eUpdate Articles Tagged: southern rust

Corn leaf diseases in Kansas

There are several leaf diseases that can infect corn in Kansas in any given year. They can all be controlled with some combination of hybrid selection, tillage management, crop rotation, planting dates, or foliar fungicides.

corn leaf diseases southern rust leaf blight Goss's wilt gray leaf spot common rust 

First report of southern rust in Kansas for 2020

Southern rust in corn has been detected in both Kansas and Nebraska. Get answers to the most common questions associated with this corn disease in this article from K-State Plant Pathology.

corn southern rust scouting foliar diseases 

Status of disease pressure in corn and soybeans

What diseases are cropping up in corn and soybean fields this summer? For corn, most fungicide applications have been made, except for late-planted fields. Soybeans are generally looking good. Read more about what diseases have been found in soybean fields.

soybeans corn disease southern rust gray leaf spot foliar diseases 

Start scouting corn for southern rust in Kansas

Southern rust is now active on corn in Texas, Louisiana, and Georgia. Although this disease has not yet been reported in Kansas, it is time to start actively monitoring corn fields. The 10-day forecast indicates that weather will remain favorable for disease development.

Corn Schools disease southern rust foliar diseases 

Status of disease pressure in corn - June 25, 2021

This article provides an update on the status southern rust and common rust on corn in Kansas as of June 25, 2021. Also discussed is an unusual symptom showing up in select northeast Kansas field called lesion mimic.

corn southern rust common rust foliar diseases 

First report of southern rust in Kansas for 2021

Southern rust has been detected in southern Kansas. This is the first confirmed report in Kansas for this growing season. Corn producers are encouraged to be actively scouting their fields. This disease can spread quickly if temperature and humidity are high.

corn disease southern rust crop scouting 

Southern rust has been reported in additional counties in Kansas

Southern rust has been reported in two additional counties in Kansas since the last update on July 8. While levels are low, recent weather in some areas has been favorable for disease development. Early detection is crucial for successful management of this corn disease.

corn disease leaf diseases southern rust 

First report of southern rust in Kansas

Southern rust has been detected in northeast Kansas, making this the first report of 2022. The severity will be dependent on the weather. Southern rust likes 90-degree days, warm nights, and high humidity. Get answers to the most questions about southern rust in this article from K-State plant pathologist, Dr. Rodrigo Borba Onofre.

corn southern rust foliar diseases 

Southern rust is in Kansas and spreading quickly

Southern rust in corn has officially been confirmed in Kansas for this growing season. As of August 3, six counties in central Kansas have confirmed cases of southern rust. Producers are encouraged to scout their fields and report any suspected disease outbreaks. Learn more in this article.

corn disease southern rust 

Southern rust is now active in central and eastern Kansas

Southern corn rust continues to spread in the southern part of the US and is now detected in seven counties across central and eastern Kansas. This article lists the counties with confirmed cases of southern rust and answers some frequently asked questions related to this disease.

corn disease southern rust 

Southern rust is active in central and eastern Kansas

Southern corn rust continues to spread in the southern part of the US and is now detected in four counties across central and eastern Kansas. The severity depends on the weather, and southern rust likes 90-degree days, warm nights, and high humidity. This article answers some frequently asked questions about managing southern rust in Kansas.

corn southern rust foliar diseases diseases crop scouting