Will the remaining sorghum reach maturity before the first freeze? Find out the answer and what factors are involved in this article from Cropping Systems Specialist Ignacio Ciampitti.
Considerable levels of stalk rot have been occurring in corn in 2019 and these same weather conditions are also favorable for stalk rot development in grain sorghum.
Be ready for the 2020 growing season with these three updated crop management publications from the Department of Agronomy and K-State Research and Extension. These comprehensive guides are written specifically for Kansas and contain valuable agronomic information.
The sugarcane aphid has now been reported in several counties in Kansas . Producers should be scouting their fields on a routine basis. Read more about scouting methods and treatment thresholds in this article.
Grain sorghum maturity is significantly ahead of last year and close to the 5-year average. What effect did the early September cold snap have on crop development? Will the remaining sorghum reach maturity before the first freeze? Read more here from K-State Agronomy.
The dry down process for grain sorghum is affected by several factors including temperature, humidity, and late-season stress conditions. Read more about the dry down process and how to estimate when sorghum will be ready to harvest.
In general, disease pressure was lower than normal for corn, soybeans, and grain sorghum. The dry weather at critical growth periods contributed to lower incidences of yield-limiting diseases. Read more in this article from Extension Plant Pathology.
There can be considerable environmental variation across the state during the growing season of grain sorghum, with a high probability of drought after flowering when moving toward the west. Tailoring the right management strategy to every site is critical to increase productivity and reduce the impact of abiotic stressors. The most critical planting practices affecting yields in sorghum are: row spacing, row arrangement, seeding rate/plant population, planting date, and hybrid maturity.
Double cropping after wheat harvest can be a high-risk venture. The available growing season is relatively short. Heat and/or dry conditions in July and August may cause problems with germination, emergence, seed set, or grain fill. Ample soil moisture this year can aid in establishing a successful crop after wheat harvest. Read more about herbicide carryover potential and management considerations for double cropping with soybeans, sorghum, sunflowers, summer annual forages, and corn.
wheat soybeans sorghum double crop summer annual forage sunflower
While sorghum is a valuable forage crop, sorghum species can produce prussic acid, which can be toxic to livestock. The potential for toxic levels of prussic acid is affected by several different factors. If proper management occurs, sorghum can be a safe and beneficial forage crop.
An old pest is back and has a new name. Sorghum aphids, formerly called sugarcane aphids, are showing up in Kansas fields. Grain sorghum producers should be scouting their fields on a routine basis. Early detection is important, but treatments should be based on established thresholds.
Yield estimates prior to harvest can be helpful for producers to make informed management decisions for the crop while there is time before harvest. As sorghum gets closer to maturity, yield estimates will be more accurate. Nonetheless, you can start taking yield estimations three to four weeks after flowering.
In order to best estimate the yield potential of grain sorghum, you need to understand the main plant components of yield. These components are number of plants, tillers per plant, seeds per head, and seeds per pound. The interaction among all four components will determine the actual yield, but a wide range of variation can be expected in all these main yield-driving factors.
With row crop harvest well underway, it is time to start planning fall herbicide applications. Herbicide applications in late October through November can improve control of difficult winter annual weeds. However, it is important to remember that fall-applied herbicides may limit your crop options in the spring.
In recent years, a common question from producers is related to the dry down rate for sorghum when approaching the end of the season. The dry down process can be delayed by low temperatures, high humidity, and high grain moisture content at black layer. Learn more in this article from KSU farming systems specialist, Ignacio Ciampitti.
An updated version of the Sorghum Growth and Development poster has been published by K-State Research and Extension. The full-color poster is 20x30 inches, and describes nine stages of growth of the sorghum plant. New features include key management practices associated with each growth stage, updated graphics, and the dry-down progression of the grain until physiological maturity.
This article contains information from the new KSRE publication MF3615 "National Sorghum Yield Contest: A Summary for Kansas". Five years of data were summarized (2013-2017) from the National Sorghum Yield Contest with a focus on Kansas entries. Different management practices impacted sorghum yields in varying magnitudes.
sorghum grain sorghum publication yield estimates Sorghum Yield Contest
When the aggressive nature of Palmer amaranth is combined with the limited post-emergence herbicide options in grain sorghum, problems often arise – even when an adequate pre-emergence herbicide program is used. This article covers post-emergence herbicide options for Palmer amaranth control in grain sorghum.
Drought-stressed crops such as corn and sorghum tend to accumulate high nitrate levels in the lower leaves and stalk of the plant. It is wise for producers to test their drought-stricken forage prior to harvest. Levels of nitrates can increase in drought-stressed plants after a rain and delaying harvest may be beneficial.
National Sorghum Producers is accepting entries for the 2023 National Sorghum Yield Contest. State and national winners are selected from contestants split into east and west regions for each division, which includes irrigated, dryland no-till, dryland tillage, and one overall winner for food grade. The entry deadline is November 15.
Estimating crop yields before harvest can be difficult. However, having these estimates is valuable information for producers as it helps them to make relevant decisions on inputs. As the sorghum crop gets closer to maturity, yield estimates will be more accurate. This article walks through an example of an on-farm calculation for estimating sorghum yield.
It is important to check grain sorghum fields for stalk rot diseases before harvest. Even in fields where lodging has not yet occurred, producers should be prepared to deal with stalk rot issues. Stalk rot is a stress-related disease. Any stress on the crop can increase the incidence and severity of stalk rot.
sorghum grain sorghum lodging fusarium stalk rot charcoal rot stalk rots
During the growing season of grain sorghum, there can be considerable environmental variation across Kansas, with a high probability of drought after flowering when moving west. Tailoring the optimal management strategy by location is critical to increasing productivity and reducing the impact of weather stressors.
Save the dates for a new series of sorghum programs titled "Sorghum Connection," consisting of field schools and winter meetings across Kansas. Sorghum connection is a collaborative effort between the K-State Department of Plant Pathology, K-State Research and Extension, and the Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission. Learn more in this article!
Save the dates for a new series of sorghum programs titled "Sorghum Connection," consisting of field schools and winter meetings across Kansas. These events aim to bring multi-disciplinary, data-driven information to our Kansas grain sorghum producers to help improve on-farm productivity and profitability!
The Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, Kansas State University Department of Plant Pathology, and K-State Research and Extension are collaborating to create the Sorghum Connection field day series. The program will inform producers on several topics to improve sorghum productivity and profitability.
Even though estimating crop yields before harvest can be difficult, having these estimates is valuable information for producers as it helps them to make relevant decisions on inputs. This article explains how to estimate grain sorghum yields using the on-farm approach.
Many Kansas cattle operations rely on some type of harvested feed to use in the winter months. Common sources include forage sorghum, millets, sorghum-sudangrass, and sudan. Depending on the forage type, toxicity issues can occur due to high levels of nitrate and/or prussic acid.
sorghum cattle grazing prussic acid forages nitrate toxicity sudan
The Sorghum Connection Series is continuing in 2024 with a series of one-day winter meetings. The events will be held in Salina on Dec. 4, Hays on Dec. 5, and Garden City on Dec. 6. These meetings offer a unique opportunity for Kansas sorghum growers to connect, learn, and stay ahead of the curve.
The Sorghum Connection Series continues this winter with one-day events across central and western Kansas. The events will be held in Salina on Dec. 4, Hays on Dec. 5, and Garden City on Dec. 6. Attendees will gain valuable insights from K-State researchers on critical topics related to sorghum production. Don't miss out!
K-State Research and Extension is hosting a series of winter schools in southwest Kansas focusing on corn and sorghum. Program topics include dryland crop rotations, soil fertility, and pest management (weeds, insects, and disease). A free meal will be provided at all locations.