eUpdate Articles Tagged: soil health

Soil Health Spotlight: Soil structure and aggregation

Do you know the difference between the terms soil structure and soil aggregation? What is the relationship between soil aggregation and soil health? What management practices promote aggregation in soils? Get answers to these questions and more in this article from doctoral student Laura Starr.

soil soil health aggregation structure 

Dryland Soil Health Network meeting - February 18 in Hays

K-State Research and Extension, in collaboration with the USDA, is hosting a Dryland Soil Health Network meeting on February 18 for dryland producers and researchers. The meeting will be held at the K-State Agricultural Research Center in Hays.

soil health dryland 

Soil Health Partnership Field Day - August 18

The Soil Health Partnership Field Day will be held on August 18 at Guetterman Brothers Family Farms in Spring Hill, KS. A morning and evening session will be offered. Registration is required. Details are included in this article.

soil health Field Day 

Soil Health Partnership Field Day - August 18

Don't miss out on the Soil Health Partnership Field Day scheduled for August 18. Two sessions are available - a morning session beginning at 8 a.m. and an evening session at 5:30 p.m. Details are included in this article.

soil health Field Day 

Riley County Soil Health Workshop, August 30

The Riley County Conservation District is hosting a Soil Health Workshop on August 30 in Leonardville, Kansas. The program will begin at 10 am. Different topics related to cover crops and soil health will be discussed by presenters from K-State and the NRCS.

soil health cover crops Field Day  

Does grazing cover crops impact soil properties?

Integration of cover crops into no-till crop production has been recommended to regenerate soils degraded after many years of conventionally tilled, low-intensity cropping systems. A recent study investigated cover crop grazing impacts on residue return and key soil properties in west central Kansas.

cover crops soil health grazing livestock 

Soil Health Field Day - September 2

The Department of Agronomy at K-State, in conjunction with Kansas Corn, is hosting a Soil Health Field Day on September 2 at Knopf Farms near Gypsum, Kansas. All the details about the program and how to register are in this article.

soil health Field Day  

Flickner Innovation Farm Field Day - August 31

The Flickner Innovation Farm in Moundridge will host a field day event on Tuesday, August 31, highlighting current work by local producers, industry members, and K-State researchers to conserve water use while improving water quality and soil health.

cover crops soil health Field Day  

Soil Health Field Day - March 28, 2022

The Kansas Soil Health Partnership is hosting a soil health field day on March 28. This event features presentations on soil health sustainability, crop intensification, fertility management, and more! Get registered today! More details are available in this article.

soil health Field Day  

Soil Health Field Day - March 28, 2022

The Kansas Soil Health Partnership is hosting a soil health field day on March 28, 2022 at Guetterman Brothers Family Farms. Topics to be covered include soil fertility, crop intensification, cover crops root demonstration, and much more!

soil health Field Day 

Soil Health Workshop, Hays, KS, May 18-19, 2022

Join us at the K-State Agricultural Research Center in Hays, KS to learn about soil health principles, soil management, and carbon credits and get hands on experience conducting field demonstrations and field assessments. RSVP to Stacie Minson at 785-769-3297 or by May 15th

soil health workshops 

Soil Health Matrix Decision Tool: A new free tool for producers

There is a new option in the toolbox for producers looking to implement a new soil health practice. The Soil Health Matrix Decision Tool is a free tool that was recently developed by the Soil Health Nexus and a regional advisory team with support from the North Central Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program. It is designed to assess the effects of current and future management practices on soil health. Producers can use this comparative tool to get an overall feel for practices that benefit soil health and learn which management decisions may be the best fit for their operation.

soil soil health tool 

K-State to host Whole Farm Health series beginning Feb. 23

K-State Research and Extension will host a series of three upcoming workshops called "Whole Farm Health: Building Resilience from the Field to the Farmer". The sessions address strategies for building more resilient farm systems through diversified cropping systems, incorporating cover crops, and grazing, as well as how to identify indicators of mental health. Find out more in this article.

soil health workshops mental health 

Soil Health and Cropping System Sustainability Field Day - April 5

K-State Research and Extension, in collaboration with the Department of Agronomy, Kansas Wheat, and Kansas Corn, is hosting a Soil Health and Cropping System Sustainability Field Day on April 5 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. This is a free event, and lunch will be provided.

soil health Field Day