eUpdate Articles Tagged: soil compaction

Learn how to examine soil for signs of compaction

Every year, questions arise about soil compaction. Compaction can reduce plant growth, reduce root penetration, restrict water and air movement in the soil, result in nutrient stresses, and cause slow seedling emergence. Now is a good time to check soils for signs of compaction.

soil soil moisture soil compaction 

Learn how to examine soil for signs of compaction

Every year, questions arise about soil compaction. Now is a good time to investigate soil profiles for signs of compaction. Using a spade, soil probe, or tile probe is a good way to learn about the soil profile and whether there may be a compaction layer.

soil compaction compaction 

Post-harvest field work: Deep tillage considerations

Now that row crop harvest is over in Kansas, some farmers might consider performing deep tillage to alleviate compaction. Research studies commonly conclude that deep tillage is only beneficial if the zone of compaction is truly root-limiting. This article answers several frequently asked questions related to deep tillage.

deep tillage soil compaction