Optimal corn seeding rates can depend on a number of different factors. K-State's Crop Production Specialist, Dr. Ciampitti, discusses those factors and offers guidelines for producers as corn planting time draws closer.
The optimum seeding rate is one of the most influential factors for increasing soybean profitability as seed cost is one of the most expensive inputs. Read more from Cropping Specialist Ignacio Ciampitti in this article.
The most critical planting practices affecting yields in sorghum are: row spacing, row arrangement, seeding rate/plant population, planting date, and hybrid maturity. Read more about the best sorghum planting practices from Cropping Specialist Ignacio Ciampitti.
planting grain sorghum seeding rate row spacing hybrid selection
While soybean planting is tracking ahead of last year in Kansas, there are still some areas yet to be planted. What management strategies should be considered when planting soybeans later in the season?
soybeans late planting seeding rate row spacing maturity group
Deciding on the optimal corn seeding rates for your fields can be tricky when you factor in the hybrid, environmental conditions, and management practices. Learn more about this process and what new research is being done at K-State to help producers make this decision.
corn seeding rate plant density plant population yield environment
The optimum seeding rate is one of the most influential factors for increasing soybean profitability as seed cost is one of the most expensive inputs. Yield potential for each environment should be consider when deciding soybean seeding rates.
The most critical planting practices affecting yields in grain sorghum are: row spacing, row arrangement, seeding rate/plant population, planting date, and hybrid maturity. Learn which planting practices are best suited for your location and cropping system.
planting grain sorghum seeding rate row spacing plant population
In areas where soybean planting has been delayed or in double crop systems, producers should consider a few key management practices. Planting soybeans in the right soil conditions is essential for establishing an adequate canopy and improving chances to increase yield potential.
The optimal corn seeding rate can depend on several different factors. This article offers guidelines that can help producers understand the different factors in order to make the best decision when selecting a corn seeding rate.
Soybeans acreage projections in Kansas are up 3% this season over the previous year (USDA prospective planting report). As seed cost is a critical economic factor, selecting the proper seeding rate is a key management practice. This article provides a summary of the main factors in determining soybean seeding rates.
By early June 2022, more than 60% of soybeans had been planted and less than half of all soybeans had emerged in Kansas (USDA Kansas Crop Progress and Report Condition, 2022). Not only do producers still have more than one-third of the soybean acreage to be planted, but some of the planted acres will need to be replanted after an initial assessment based on potential issues caused by the recent hail and flooding conditions in some areas of the state.
soybeans seeding rate row spacing planting date soybean planting
The optimal corn seeding rate is a management factor that depends on the corn hybrid and its interaction with the environment. This article offers guidelines to help producers determine if their corn seeding rates need to be adjusted. Recommended seeding rates in this article attempt to account for the different growing environments in Kansas.
As the planting season for corn begins, producers need to decide their corn seeding rates. The plant density necessary to optimize yields depends on the expected resource availability, primarily water and nutrients. For 2023, the key factor is linked to water availability at planting and the precipitation forecast for this season.
Seed cost is a critical economic factor and selecting the proper seeding rate is a key management practice for soybean production. This article reviews in greater detail several key factors in choosing the optimal soybean seeding rates for your production system.
There can be considerable environmental variation across Kansas during the growing season for grain sorghum. The most critical planting practices affecting sorghum yield are row spacing, row arrangement, seeding rate/plant population, planting date, and hybrid maturity. Tailoring the right management strategy to your location is critical.
planting grain sorghum seeding rate row spacing planting date plant population
The optimal planting window for wheat has passed for northwest Kansas. Does planting past the optimum date impact the yield potential? Can increased seeding rates compensate if wheat planting is delayed? This article reviews some research in northwest Kansas that helps answer these questions.
The optimal corn seeding rate is a management variable that depends on the hybrid and the interaction with the environment. Although specific hybrids can respond differently, the following guidelines presented in this article may help producers decide if their selected corn seeding rates need to be adjusted.
Seed cost is a critical economic factor, and selecting the proper seeding rate is a key management practice. This article reviews key factors in determining optimal soybean seeding rates. There is also information using a free web-based simulator designed to assist farmers in implementing variable seeding rates.
When determining the optimal seeding rate for corn, it is important to remember the level of management, hybrid, and environment all interact with one another on the planted population. This article offers guidelines that may help farmers decide if the selected corn seeding rates need to be adjusted.