Fungicide seed treatments are becoming an important part of wheat production in Kansas. In 2019, Fusarium is an important issue for many seed producers. Learn how seed treatments can help with seed-borne diseases.
Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) is a disease that affects soybeans and is caused by a soilborne fungus. Since there are no varieties that offer full resistance, seed treatments are a common management practice. Read about a recent K-State study evaluating a new product for the 2020 growing season.
Seed treatments are an important part of wheat production in Kansas. An updated version of the K-State publication MF2955, Seed Treatment Fungicides for Wheat Disease Management 2020 is now available.
Seed treatments are strongly advised for wheat seed that is being saved from previous seasons. The 2020 harvest saw higher than normal levels of common bunt and loose smut in Kansas.
As farmers start planting soybeans in Kansas, it is important to consider common causes of seedling damping off and potential management strategies. Learn about the main soybean seedling diseases and what seed treatments are effective in this article.
As wheat planting draws closer in Kansas, fungicide seed treatments are strongly advised. Fungicide seed treatments are an important and highly effective tool for controlling common bunt and a host of other seed-borne diseases.
wheat seed treatment fusarium head blight fungicides common bunt
As producers start planting soybeans in Kansas, it is important to consider common causes of seedling damping off and potential management strategies. This article addresses some frequently asked questions concerning the use of seed treatments for soybeans.
Seed treatments are an important part of wheat production in Kansas. An updated version of the K-State publication MF2955, Seed Treatment Fungicides for Wheat Disease Management 2023 is now available. It is important to make sure the seed treatment chosen matches the diseases and pests you are looking to control.