eUpdate Articles Tagged: sampling

Optimal time for sampling corn nematode is between V5 to V7 growth stage

There are many disease organisms that can reduce corn yields in Kansas. One of the stealthiest is the root-lesion nematode (RLN) because it operates below ground on the roots and often has no specific, identifiable symptoms other than yield loss. It is present, at some level, in nearly all corn fields in the state. Historically the largest yield losses, which can exceed 40 percent in individual fields, occur in western Kansas where irrigated, no-till, continuous corn production systems in sandy soils are common. Learn more about when and how to inspect RLN in your corn field.

corn nematodes sampling 

Sample handling practices affect the accuracy of plant tissue nitrate tests

Plant tissue analysis is valuable for many applications, including evaluating fertilizer management practices, identifying nutrient deficiencies, and determining hay and forage crops' safety and nutritional value. However, the accuracy of these tests is often limited by the quality of the sample that the laboratory receives. Learn about the surprising results of a recent study at K-State.

tissue testing sampling nitrates