eUpdate Articles Tagged: row spacing

Effect of row spacing on soybean yield

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Effect of row spacing on soybean yield

There are still many questions about row spacing for soybean production. This article summarizes some research from K-State on the effect of different row spacing on soybean yield.

soybeans yield potential row spacing 

Sorghum management considerations: Planting practices

The most critical planting practices affecting yields in sorghum are: row spacing, row arrangement, seeding rate/plant population, planting date, and hybrid maturity. Read more about the best sorghum planting practices from Cropping Specialist Ignacio Ciampitti.

planting grain sorghum seeding rate row spacing hybrid selection 

Late planting of soybeans: Management considerations

While soybean planting is tracking ahead of last year in Kansas, there are still some areas yet to be planted. What management strategies should be considered when planting soybeans later in the season?

soybeans late planting seeding rate row spacing maturity group 

Effect of row spacing on soybean yield

There are still some questions about row spacing for soybean production. Some benefits of narrow rows include improved weed control and reduced erosion. Do narrow rows improve yield? What effect does the yield environment have on the yield response to narrow rows? Find out more in this article.

soybeans yield potential row spacing 

Sorghum management considerations: Planting practices

The most critical planting practices affecting yields in grain sorghum are: row spacing, row arrangement, seeding rate/plant population, planting date, and hybrid maturity. Learn which planting practices are best suited for your location and cropping system.

planting grain sorghum seeding rate row spacing plant population 

Late planting of soybeans: Management considerations

In areas where soybean planting has been delayed or in double crop systems, producers should consider a few key management practices. Planting soybeans in the right soil conditions is essential for establishing an adequate canopy and improving chances to increase yield potential.

soybeans late planting seeding rate row spacing 

Soybean Row Spacing in Kansas

There are still many questions about row spacing for soybean production. This article provides a summary of recent research from K-State. Compared to the conventional 30-inch row spacing, soybeans in narrow rows (15-inch or less) in these tests were likely to show equal or slightly greater yields (2-12%), particularly when the yield environment was less than 50 bushels per acre (regardless of planting date, seeding rate, or maturity). Above this yield threshold level, soybean did not show yield response to changing the row spacing. Overall, the common denominator of the response to row spacing is the inconsistency, denoted by the wide error of responses and by the variability between site-years.

soybeans row spacing 

Considerations for late planting (or re-planted) soybeans

By early June 2022, more than 60% of soybeans had been planted and less than half of all soybeans had emerged in Kansas (USDA Kansas Crop Progress and Report Condition, 2022). Not only do producers still have more than one-third of the soybean acreage to be planted, but some of the planted acres will need to be replanted after an initial assessment based on potential issues caused by the recent hail and flooding conditions in some areas of the state.

soybeans seeding rate row spacing planting date soybean planting 

Sorghum management considerations: Planting practices

There can be considerable environmental variation across Kansas during the growing season for grain sorghum. The most critical planting practices affecting sorghum yield are row spacing, row arrangement, seeding rate/plant population, planting date, and hybrid maturity. Tailoring the right management strategy to your location is critical.

planting grain sorghum seeding rate row spacing planting date plant population 

Soybean row spacing in Kansas

There are still many questions about row spacing for soybean production. In this article, we present a summary of recent research from K-State. From 2015 to 2017, a series of six on-farm experiments were conducted across eastern and central Kansas.

soybeans row spacing 

Sorghum management considerations: Planting practices

During the growing season of grain sorghum, there can be considerable environmental variation across Kansas, with a high probability of drought after flowering when moving west. Tailoring the optimal management strategy by location is critical to increasing productivity and reducing the impact of weather stressors.

sorghum grain sorghum planting row spacing plant population