eUpdate Articles Tagged: residual nitrate

Soil fertility and wheat production: Profile nitrate levels and wheat yield

Last week, we discussed the importance of soil testing ahead of wheat planting. This article addresses the correlation between profile nitrate and wheat yield.

wheat profile nitrate residual nitrate soil fertility 

Soil fertility and wheat production: Profile nitrate levels and wheat yield

This article addresses the correlation between the amount of nitrate in the soil profile and wheat yield. Failure to account for the N present in the soil wastes a valuable resource. Soil sampling in the fall for nitrate can have a significant impact on N recommendations for winter wheat in Kansas soils.

soil testing fertilizer wheat yield profile nitrate residual nitrate 

Soil fertility and wheat production: Profile nitrate levels and wheat yield

Does soil sampling in the fall for nitrate provide useful information for nitrogen fertilizer management in wheat production? This article addresses the correlation between the amount of nitrate in the soil profile and wheat yield.

wheat profile nitrate residual nitrate soil fertility 
