eUpdate Articles Tagged: publication

Great Plains Canola Production Handbook - Updated for 2018

publication canola 

New K-State 2019 Chemical Weed Control Guide now available online

weeds weed control publication 

Updated for 2019 - Kansas Sorghum Management publication

publication sorghum 

New K-State 2020 Chemical Weed Control Guide now available online

The new 2020 K-State Weed Control Guide is now available online! Don't miss this valuable resource brought to you by K-State Research and Extension. Hard copies will be available soon.

weed control publication  

Crop management publications updated for 2020: Corn, Soybeans, and Sorghum

Be ready for the 2020 growing season with these three updated crop management publications from the Department of Agronomy and K-State Research and Extension. These comprehensive guides are written specifically for Kansas and contain valuable agronomic information.

soybeans sorghum corn publication  

New K-State 2021 Chemical Weed Control Guide now available online

The K-State Chemical Weed Control has been updated for 2021 and is available online. This is one of the most popular extension resources each and every year. Paper copies will be available soon.

publication Weed Control Guide  

2021 Corn Management publication and Corn Schools

The 2021 K-State Corn Management publication is now available online. This publication is a great resource and covers all aspects of corn production in Kansas.

corn Corn Schools publication  

Two new soybean publications are available online

Two soybean publications have been released and are available online. Kansas Soybean Management has been updated for 2021. Also, a new study on the relationship between yield and soybean seed composition is also available.

soybeans publication  

Understanding herbicide modes of action

Weed scientists at K-State have released a revised publication on the different modes of action of herbicides. This in-depth resource describes how herbicides work to control weeds. There are descriptive graphics and full-color photos throughout the text.

publication herbicide weed control  

2021 Grain sorghum management publication now available

K-State Research and Extension has released the latest Kansas Sorghum Management publication. This comprehensive guide is written specifically for Kansas and includes valuable, up-to-date information on many aspects of sorghum production.

grain sorghum publication  

Updated wheat fungicide publication for 2021 now available

Wondering about wheat fungicide recommendations for different diseases? The KSRE publication "Foliar Fungicide Efficacy for Wheat Disease Management" has been updated for 2021. There are many fungicides available in Kansas that provide very good to excellent control of foliar diseases.

wheat publication fungicide  

Seed production management for smooth bromegrass and tall fescue

K-State Research and Extension just released an updated version of the publication MF924 - Seed Production Management for Smooth Bromegrass and Tall Fescue. This resource describes management practices to produce high yields of seeds from smooth bromegrass and tall fescue fields.

publication tall fescue bromegrass 

Several K-State publications on insect pest management updated for 2021

Several K-State Research and Extension publications covering insect control in wheat, alfalfa, soybeans, and grain sorghum have been updated for 2021. Check out this helpful resources when questions arise about insect control in your crop fields.

insects publication  

Updated K-State publication on cleaning field sprayers

Sprayer cleaning is a critical component of equipment maintenance and crop protection. Serious crop injury can result from small amounts of herbicides. A recently updated publication is available from KSRE that discusses cleaning field sprayers. Check it out!

publication equipment herbicide 

New publication on selecting the optimal wheat variety

A new publication is now available that aims to help producers chose wheat varieties that should perform well for various regions, soil types, weather, production systems, insect and disease pressure, maturity, and to meet the needs of millers and bakers. Learn more in this article.

wheat publication variety selection 

2021 Wheat Variety Disease and Insect Rating publication

Wheat Variety Disease and Insect Ratings 2021, from K-State Research and Extension, has now been released for this year. Agronomic characteristics, disease, and pest resistance information is included, as well as profiles that highlight some common or new varieties for Kansas.

wheat insects publication disease variety selection  

K-State 2022 Chemical Weed Control Guide now available

One of the most popular K-State Extension publications is here! The 2022 Chemical Weed Control Guide is now available. This publication provides suggestions for chemical weed control in several major crops.

weeds publication Weed Control Guide  

Corn and soybean management publications updated for 2022

K-State Research and Extension has recently released two updated publications for the 2022 growing season: Kansas Corn Management and Kansas Soybean Management. These comprehensive guides are written specifically for Kansas and offer valuable, up-to-date information.

soybeans corn publication  

2022 Grain sorghum management publication now available

A newly revised K-State Research and Extension publication, Kansas Grain Sorghum Management 2022, is now available online. This comprehensive guide is written specifically for Kansas and includes valuable, up-to-date information on several grain sorghum management practices.

grain sorghum publication  

Several K-State publications on insect pest management updated for 2022

Several K-State Research and Extension publications related to insect management in Kansas were recently updated and are available online. These publications were prepared to help producers manage insect populations with the best available methods proven practical under Kansas conditions.

insects publication 

Kansas Wheat Variety Guide 2022 now available

The Kansas Wheat Variety Guide 2022, formerly called Wheat Variety Disease and Insect Ratings, has now been released for this year. Agronomic characteristics, disease, and pest resistance information is included, as well as profiles that highlight some more common or new varieties for Kansas.

publication variety selection wheat variety  

Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports available online

The Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports are the published preliminary results of individual research projects. This article highlights the reports by faculty and specialists in, or affiliated with, the agronomy department. All reports are accessible online and at no cost.

publication research reports 

Learn to identify rangeland and pasture grasses of Kansas

A recently revised publication that serves as comprehensive identification guide for range and pasture grasses in Kansas is available to purchase or as a free download. The publication, "Rangeland and Pasture Grasses of Kansas", was written by Dr. Walt Fick, professor and extension specialist in range management

publication pasture rangeland identification grasses 

Updated publications on a variety of crop pests in Kansas now available

Several K-State Research and Extension publications on crop pests in Kansas have been updated and are available to order or download for free. Learn more about alfafla weevils, bird cherry-oat aphids, false chinch bugs, black cutworms, soybean aphids, and stink bugs.

insects publication 

K-State 2023 Chemical Weed Control Guide now available online

The 2023 Chemical Weed Control Guide from K-State Research and Extension is here! This publication provides suggestions for chemical weed control in several major crops. Herbicides, when properly used, are one component of an effective weed management program. Check out this popular resource as we get ready for a new growing season!

publication Weed Control Guide  

Corn management in Kansas for 2023

Spring planting will be here soon! Check out this updated publication on corn management in Kansas. This comprehensive guide is written specifically for Kansas and offers guidelines to manage corn as efficiently and profitably as possible.

corn publication  

National Sorghum Yield Contest: A Summary for Kansas

This article contains information from the new KSRE publication MF3615 "National Sorghum Yield Contest: A Summary for Kansas". Five years of data were summarized (2013-2017) from the National Sorghum Yield Contest with a focus on Kansas entries. Different management practices impacted sorghum yields in varying magnitudes.

sorghum grain sorghum publication yield estimates Sorghum Yield Contest 

Foliar fungicide efficacy ratings for wheat disease management

The K-State Research and Extension publication Foliar Fungicide Efficacy for Wheat Disease Management has been updated for 2023. The recommendations in this publication reflect several years of head-to-head comparisons of products in Kansas and many other wheat producing states.

publication wheat fungicide efficacy 

Several crop-specific publications on insect pest management updated for 2023

Several K-State Research and Extension publications related to insect management for specific crops in Kansas were recently updated and are available online. These publications were prepared to help producers manage insect populations with the best available methods proven practical under Kansas conditions.

insects publication pest management 

Diagnosing wheat production problems - Updated publication for 2023

The K-State Research and Extension publication “Diagnosing Wheat Production Problems” has been updated. This comprehensive resource was a collaborative effort between three K-State departments: Plant Pathology, Agronomy, and Entomology. The 66-page full-color publication will help growers diagnose likely causes of slow growth, distorted appearance, off-colors, injury, and death of wheat plants from planting to harvest. Check it out!

publication wheat KSRE 

Kansas Wheat Variety Guide 2023 is now available

Variety selection is one of the most important decisions that a grower can make to ensure success. The Kansas Wheat Variety Guide 2023 (formerly called Wheat Variety Disease and Insect Ratings), from K-State Research and Extension, has now been released for this year. Agronomic characteristics, disease, and pest resistance information are included, as well as profiles for some common or new varieties for Kansas.

publication wheat variety selection wheat variety 

Wheat seed treatment considerations in 2023

Seed treatments are an important part of wheat production in Kansas. An updated version of the K-State publication MF2955, Seed Treatment Fungicides for Wheat Disease Management 2023 is now available. It is important to make sure the seed treatment chosen matches the diseases and pests you are looking to control.

publication wheat seed treatment efficacy 

Crabgrass could serve as an alternative cattle forage

K-State Research and Extension released a new publication this fall on using crabgrass as an alternative forage for cattle. In systems with cool-season forages, a lack of forage may occur during the summer. One option to extend the grazing season is to have pastures with warm-season forage grass, such as crabgrass, that produce most of the forage during hot months.

cattle publication forage crabgrass 

K-State 2024 Chemical Weed Control Guide is now available online

One of the most popular K-State Research and Extension publications is here! The 2024 Chemical Weed Control Guide is now available online. This publication provides suggestions for chemical weed control in several major crops. Orders for paper copies can be placed starting in January. Check it out!

publication weeds Weed Control Guide  

Corn management in Kansas for 2024

K-State Research and Extension has released a popular publication updated for the 2024 growing season - "Kansas Corn Management 2024". This publication advises producers, crop consultants, and agronomists to manage Kansas corn crops as efficiently and profitably as possible. This comprehensive guide is written specifically for Kansas and includes valuable, up-to-date information.

corn publication crop production 

Foliar fungicide efficacy for wheat disease management

The K-State Research and Extension publication Foliar Fungicide Efficacy for Wheat Disease Management has been updated for 2024. The recommendations in this publication reflect several years of head-to-head product comparisons in Kansas and many other wheat-producing states. All efficacy ratings listed are based on proper application timing.

wheat publication foliar fungicides efficacy disease management 

Updated soil test interpretations and fertilizer recommendations for Kansas

The Agronomy Soil Fertility Working Group at K-State, led by soil fertility specialist Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, has released an updated version of the popular publication "Soil Test Interpretations and Fertilizer Recommendations in Kansas". This publication contains the most recent soil test interpretations for the major crops for the most commonly deficient plant nutrients in Kansas.

soil testing publication fertilizer soil fertility 

Several K-State publications on insect pest management updated for 2024

Several K-State Research and Extension publications related to insect management in Kansas were recently updated and are available to the public. These publications were prepared to help producers manage insect populations using the best available methods proven practical under Kansas conditions.

insects publication  

Celebrating 1,000 issues of the Extension Agronomy eUpdate!

Today, we proudly announce the 1,000th issue of the Extension Agronomy eUpdate, a testament to over 18 years of dedication, innovation, and collaboration. This article reflects on the countless hours of research, our contributors' dedication, and our readers' support. We hope you enjoy learning about the creation and early years of the eUpdate.


Kansas Wheat Variety Guide 2024 is now available

The Kansas Wheat Variety Guide 2024 (formerly called Wheat Variety Disease and Insect Ratings) from K-State Research and Extension has been released for this year. It includes information on agronomic characteristics, disease, and pest resistance, as well as profiles that highlight some more common or new varieties in Kansas.

wheat publication variety selection disease resistance 

Corn management in Kansas for 2025

The 2025 Kansas Corn Management publication is here. This comprehensive resource is updated yearly and written specifically for Kansas to help farmers grow corn as efficiently and profitably as possible. There is information on planting practices, pest management, soil fertility, diseases, irrigation, and more.

corn publication crop production 

Soybean management in Kansas for 2025

K-State Research and Extension has updated a popular publication for the 2025 growing season. Kansas Soybean Management is updated yearly and provides recommendations tailored to Kansas's diverse growing conditions. Learn about variety selection, planting practices, pest management, fertilizer requirements, and more.

soybeans publication crop production 

Waterers and Watering Systems: A Handbook for Livestock Producers and Landowners

A team of K-State watershed specialists has revised a publication with tips on safeguarding the state's water resources while providing grazing animals with the water they need. This handbook assists in the design of a watering system that fits your budget, site, and livestock needs.

publication water livestock water quality 

The 2025 K-State Chemical Weed Control Guide is now available online

One of the most popular K-State Research and Extension publications is now available online! The 2025 K-State Chemical Weed Control Guide includes suggestions and guidelines for chemical weed control for field crops, pastures, rangeland, and noncropland, including product application rates and approximate prices.

weed control publication  

The 2025 K-State Chemical Weed Control Guide is available online

In case you missed of the most popular K-State Research and Extension publications is here! The 2025 K-State Chemical Weed Control Guide includes suggestions and guidelines for chemical weed control for field crops, pastures, rangeland, and noncropland, including product application rates and approximate prices.

publication Weed Control Guide  

New Wheat Rx publication: Wheat's versatility in farming systems

Winter wheat in Kansas is well adapted to the weather and soils, fits well in crop rotations, and brings several benefits beyond the value of the grain. However, since 2005, wheat acres have been declining in Kansas. A new publication in the Wheat Rx Series describes the versatility winter wheat brings to farming systems.

wheat publication WheatRx 

Foliar fungicide efficacy ratings for wheat disease management

The K-State Research and Extension publication Foliar Fungicide Efficacy for Wheat Disease Management has been updated for 2025. The recommendations in this publication reflect several years of head-to-head comparisons of products in Kansas and many other wheat-producing states.

wheat publication disease foliar fungicides efficacy 
