eUpdate Articles Tagged: pre-emergence

Considerations for pre-emergence herbicides

Pre-emergence, soil-active herbicides applied around the time of planting are an important part of a good weed management program. However, variability in spring weather leads to concerns about both weed control and crop injury.

weed control herbicide pre-emergence crop injury 

Late winter kochia control in fields going to corn or grain sorghum

Last week, we shared some general information about applying pre-emergence herbicides for kochia control. In this article, the focus is on specific recommendations for fields going to corn or grain sorghum this growing season.

weed control kochia pre-emergence 

Late winter kochia control in fields going to soybeans, sunflowers, and wheat

This is the third and final article in a series discussing pre-emergence herbicides for kochia control. For this article, we cover recommendations specific to fields that will be planted to soybean or sunflower this spring and wheat in the fall.

weed control kochia herbicide pre-emergence 

Residual herbicides for corn

Residual herbicides that kill weed seeds/seedlings as they germinate or emerge are an important component of herbicide applications at or before the time of corn planting. Learn about the different options in this article from Weeds Specialist Sarah Lancaster.

corn weed control pre-emergence residual herbicides 

Pre-emergence herbicides for grain sorghum

With few post-emergence herbicide options for control of grass species and Palmer amaranthl in grain sorghum, having an effective pre-emergence herbicide program is very important. Learn more about the different soil-applied residual herbicides in this article.

grain sorghum weed control pre-emergence residual herbicides 

Pre-emergence herbicides for wheat

Pre-emergence herbicides with residual activity are used less frequently in wheat production compared to other cropping systems in Kansas. However, residual herbicides applied prior to wheat emergence can be part of a good weed management system in wheat production.

wheat pre-plant herbicide bindweed pre-emergence residual herbicides 

Pre-emergence herbicides for wheat

Residual herbicides applied prior to wheat emergence can be part of a good weed management system in wheat production. Field bindweed is a particularly troublesome weed that can greatly reduce wheat yield. Learn the best strategy for bindweed control in this article.

wheat weed control bindweed pre-emergence residual herbicides 

Late winter kochia control in fields going to corn or grain sorghum

Last week, we shared some general information about applying pre-emergence herbicides for kochia control. This article focuses on specific recommendations for fields going to corn or grain sorghum this growing season.

kochia pre-plant herbicide weed control pre-emergence 

Residual herbicides for corn

Residual herbicides that kill weed seeds/seedlings as they germinate or emerge are an important component of herbicide applications at or before the time of corn planting. Many cases of herbicide-resistant weeds have resulted from over-reliance on post-emergence herbicide applications, thus it is essential to include one or more residual herbicides available for corn.

corn weed control pre-emergence residual herbicides 

Pre-emergence herbicides in wheat

Pre-emergence herbicides with residual activity are an important component of high-yielding cropping systems. While used less frequently compared to other cropping systems, residual herbicides applied prior to wheat emergence can be part of a good weed management system in wheat production.

wheat weed control pre-plant herbicide pre-emergence residual herbicides 

Late winter kochia control in fields going to soybeans, sunflowers, and wheat

This is the third and final article discussing pre-emergence herbicides for kochia control. This week, we will discuss recommendations specific to fields planted to soybeans or sunflower this spring and wheat in the fall.

wheat soybeans weed control kochia pre-emergence sunflowers 

Residual herbicides for corn

Residual herbicides that kill weed seeds and/or seedlings as they germinate or emerge are important for herbicide applications at or before corn planting. These herbicides can control weeds for several weeks, which prevents yield loss due to early-season weed competition.

corn weed control pre-emergence residual herbicides 

Pre-emergence herbicides for soybeans

Pre-emergence herbicides are the foundation of any excellent weed control program in soybeans. Using multiple effective residual herbicides is important to broaden the spectrum of controlled weeds, ensure herbicide activation in various environments, and guard against herbicide resistance.

soybeans weed control pre-emergence residual herbicides 

Early season weed control in cotton

Early season weed control is especially important in cotton because it can be slow to canopy relative to other crops grown in Kansas and is, therefore, less competitive early in the growing season. Weeds compete for resources during the season and contribute to trash and discoloration of the lint at harvest, resulting in major dockage in quality grades and reduced lint value.

weed control cotton pre-emergence residual herbicides 

Pre-emergence herbicides in wheat

Pre-emergence herbicides with residual activity are an important component of high-yielding cropping systems. They are not emphasized as much in wheat production as other cropping systems in Kansas, but residual herbicides applied before wheat emergence can be part of a good weed management system in wheat.

wheat weed control pre-emergence residual herbicides 

Preplant herbicide applications for kochia control

Now is the time to finalize plans for kochia control. In western Kansas, kochia is among the first summer annual weeds to emerge in the spring. Good control of the first dense flush of kochia is essential for obtaining a good crop yield. This article will be the first in a series discussing specific options for various cropping scenarios.

kochia pre-plant herbicide pre-emergence residual herbicides 

Late winter kochia control in fields going to soybeans, sunflowers, cotton, and wheat

This is the third and final article discussing pre-emergence herbicides for kochia control. This week, we discuss recommendations specific to fields planted to soybeans, cotton, or sunflower this spring and wheat in the fall.

kochia pre-plant herbicide weed control pre-emergence 
