eUpdate Articles Tagged: planting date

Soil temperature and moisture update in Kansas - April 2, 2020

Selection of the optimal planting date is an important decision faced by all farmers. Rather than looking at the calendar, farmers should monitor soil temperature and moisture. Read the latest update from K-State Extension Agronomy.

corn soil moisture soil temperature planting date 

Soil temperature update for Kansas - April 10, 2020

As air temperatures keep fluctuating, so the soil temperatures. Producers need to closely monitor current soil temps and the upcoming weather forecasts to avoid any potential seedling injury to corn this spring.

corn soil temperature planting date emergence 

K-State recommendations for soybean planting dates and maturity group

Planting date is one of the primary management practices that can greatly influence soybean yield potential. Learn more about the Kansas planting dates and maturity groups for soybeans.

soybeans planting date maturity group 

Soybean planting date and maturity group selection

This 2022 season, soybean acreage projections in Kansas are up. To maximize yields, there are some key practices we cannot overlook. This article presents some tips on selecting the best i) planting date and ii) maturity group across Kansas. After considering the effects of genetic yield potential and the environment, planting date is one of the primary management practices under the farmer’s control that can highly influence soybean yields.

soybeans planting date maturity group 

Considerations for late planting (or re-planted) soybeans

By early June 2022, more than 60% of soybeans had been planted and less than half of all soybeans had emerged in Kansas (USDA Kansas Crop Progress and Report Condition, 2022). Not only do producers still have more than one-third of the soybean acreage to be planted, but some of the planted acres will need to be replanted after an initial assessment based on potential issues caused by the recent hail and flooding conditions in some areas of the state.

soybeans seeding rate row spacing planting date soybean planting 

Corn planting and frost risk in central and eastern Kansas

Planting corn later in the season increases the chances of receiving late-summer rains and reduces the effect of heat stress during flowering. However, final planting dates for crop insurance eligibility provide a limit for late planting. This article summarizes the resutls from a recent study on corn planting dates and frost risk in central and eastern Kansas.

corn planting date 

Spring planting is approaching: Soil temperature and moisture status

Planting date is one of the most critical factors to decide for row crops. Rather than just calendar dates, farmers should consider basing this decision based on soil temperature and moisture. Every summer row crop has an optimal soil temperature for its emergence. A late freeze can also affect any early planted fields.

planting soil moisture soil temperature planting date 

Spring planting update - Soil temperature and moisture

Planting date is one of the most critical factors to decide on for row crops such as corn and soybean. Rather than just calendar dates, please consider basing this decision on soil temperature and moisture. Optimal soil temperatures for the emergence of row crops indicate a minimum of 50 degrees F for appropriate corn germination and early growth.

soil moisture spring planting soil temperature planting date 

Effect of early planting dates on soybean yield

Early planting dates have been promoted as a management practice that can increase soybean yield. This article summarizes research conducted in northeast and north central Kansas to determine the effect of early planting dates, seed density, and maturity group on soybean yield.

soybeans planting date maturity group early planting 

Soybean planting date and maturity group selection

For the 2023 season, soybean acreage projections in Kansas are up compared to past years. For maximizing yields, there are key practices to consider. This article presents some tips on selecting the best planting date and maturity group across Kansas.

soybeans planting planting date 

Sorghum management considerations: Planting practices

There can be considerable environmental variation across Kansas during the growing season for grain sorghum. The most critical planting practices affecting sorghum yield are row spacing, row arrangement, seeding rate/plant population, planting date, and hybrid maturity. Tailoring the right management strategy to your location is critical.

planting grain sorghum seeding rate row spacing planting date plant population 

Delayed planting dates and seeding rates for wheat in northwest Kansas

The optimal planting window for wheat has passed for northwest Kansas. Does planting past the optimum date impact the yield potential? Can increased seeding rates compensate if wheat planting is delayed? This article reviews some research in northwest Kansas that helps answer these questions.

wheat late planting seeding rate planting date 

Update - Soil temperature and moisture status in Kansas

After a cooling trend during the last week of March, air temperatures across Kansas seem to be back to normal again. The forecast calls for at or above normal temperatures into April. Planting decisions should consider the current soil temperatures and the short-term forecast rather than calendar dates.

planting soil moisture spring planting corn soybeans soil temperature planting date 

Considerations for late-planted soybeans

Producers should consider a few key management practices where soybean planting has been delayed (or in double-crop soybean systems). Also, planting in the right soil conditions is essential for establishing an adequate soybean canopy and improving the chances of increasing the yield potential.

soybeans late planting planting date maturity group 

Management adjustments when sowing wheat late

Some producers may have delayed wheat planting for different reasons, including harvesting a summer crop or having dry soils. Although good yields are still possible when planted outside the optimal window, late-planted wheat is often subjected to colder fall temperatures. Some adjustments can be made to compensate for late planting.

wheat late planting Drought planting date 
