eUpdate Articles Tagged: Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab

K-State's Soil Testing Lab and Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab are OPEN!

Both the KSU Soil Testing Laboratory and the Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory are open and accepting samples from producers and homeowners. Submission of samples has been modified due to new distancing guidelines. Please read about these changes in this article.

Soil Testing Lab Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab 

K-State's Soil Testing Lab and Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab are OPEN!

Both the KSU Soil Testing Laboratory and the Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory are open and accepting samples from producers and homeowners. Submission of samples has been modified due to new distancing guidelines. Please read about these changes in this article.

Soil Testing Lab Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab 

K-State's Soil Testing Lab and Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab are OPEN!

Just a reminder that during this time of reduced operations on the K-State campus, the Soil Testing Lab and Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab are both operational. Please read this article for how to submit samples during this time.

Soil Testing Lab Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab 

K-State's Soil Testing Lab and Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab are OPEN!

Just a reminder that the Soil Testing Lab and Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab on K-State's Manhattan campus are both open and accepting samples. Details are outlined in this article.

Soil Testing Lab Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab 

Spring soybean cyst nematode sampling

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is a major problem in soybean fields throughout eastern and central Kansas. It is important to monitor SCN levels regularly to determine if management strategies, such as variety resistance and crop rotation, have been successful.

soil sampling soybean cyst nematode Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab 

Free soybean cyst nematode testing is available from the K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab

Soybean cyst nematode is a major problem in soybean fields throughout eastern and central Kansas. The K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab is now offering free soybean cyst nematode testing for Kansas producers while funding lasts. After soybean harvest is a great time to sample your fields.

soybeans soybean cyst nematode soil testing disease Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab 

Free soybean cyst nematode testing from the K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab

Now is the time to be testing fields for soybean cyst nematode. The K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab is now offering FREE soybean cyst nematode testing for Kansas producers. Proper sample collection and shipment is key. Learn more in this article.

soybean cyst nematode disease Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab 

Soybean Cyst Nematode testing is available through KSU Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab

There is still time to take advantage of free Soybean Cyst Nematode testing through the K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab! Don't miss out on this great opportunity. After soybean harvest is a great time to collect soil samples for testing. Confirming the prescence of soybean cyst nematodes is the basis for a successful integrated management program.

soybean cyst nematode Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab SCN 

Don't miss out on free Soybean Cyst Nematode testing through K-State

There is still time to collect and submit a soil to the K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic for soybean cyst nematode testing. Testing is free for Kansas residents through a grant from the Soybean Cyst Nematode Coalition. Confirming the presence of this pest and determining population levels is the basis for a successful integrated management program.

soybean cyst nematode Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab 

K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab: Changes to Services and Fee Schedule

The K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab has added new diagnostic services and updated the fee schedule. In order to maintain the quality of our services, some fees have increased in 2023. This is primarily due to increased costs of materials and labor, but is also a reflection of our new services. Learn what has changed in this article.

Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab 

New soybean Sudden Death Syndrome diagnostic test now available

The K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab has implemented a new Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) molecular diagnostic tool to help growers properly identify this disease. This new SDS molecular test is faster and has higher detection capabilities than conventional methods. Insect damage and other diseases can present as similar foliar symptoms associated with SDS therefore testing is important.

soybeans Sudden Death Syndrome Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab SDS 

After harvest is the optimal time for Soybean Cyst Nematode sampling

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is a major problem in soybean fields throughout eastern and central Kansas. This pest has been identified in 62 counties in Kansas that produce more than 85% of Kansas soybeans. Immediately following harvest is the best time to check fields for SCN and start planning for next season.

soybean cyst nematode soybeans Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab SCN 

Reminder - after harvest is the optimal time for Soybean Cyst Nematode sampling

Soybean cyst nematode is a major problem in soybean fields throughout eastern and central Kansas. In most fields, the only symptoms may be uneven growth and a gradual production decline over time. Confirming the presence of this pest, determining population levels, and monitoring the effectiveness of resistant varieties are the basis for a successful integrated management program.

soybean cyst nematode soil sampling Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab SCN 

K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab Samples - "The Good", "The Sick", and "The Ugly"

Quality plant disease diagnostics begins with the person collecting the sample. The ideal sample submission includes more than just the diseased plant. Learn about the proper sample submission procedures when collecting plant samples for clinical diagnosis of diseases.

disease Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab sample collection 
