eUpdate Articles Tagged: pesticides

Commercial applicator training offered in April

Commercial applicator training sessions are planned for the month of April. These will be offered in a virtual format over the Zoom platform. There must be at least 20 registered participants to hold the training so get online to reserve your spot.

application training online resources pesticides 

Commercial applicator training offered in April

The Kansas State Pesticide Safety Program is providing a training opportunity this April for several of the categories to help individuals renew their license. This training will be offered in a virtual format via Zoom.

application training virtual pesticides 

Review of restricted use pesticides and applicator licenses

As the 2023 field season gets into full swing, now is a good time for a refresher on restricted-use pesticides (RUPs) and pesticide applicator licenses. This article goes over the different categories of pesticides according to use and the importance of accurate record keeping.

herbicide application commercial applicator pesticides 

Proper pesticide use: Why should an applicator care?

The label is the law - most pesticide applicators are familiar with that phrase. Yet, pesticides are sometimes used in ways that are inconsistent with product labels. Label directions are written to minimize risks for applicators, bystanders, and the environment. This article explains why applicators should prioritize reading and following pesticide labels.

label requirements herbicide application commercial applicator pesticides 

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Pesticide Applications - What You Need to Know

There is a good deal of interest in using drones, also called unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for the application of pesticides. If you are an applicator considering using a drone for applications, here is some basic information regarding licenses that you need to know before applying any pesticides.

label requirements application training pesticides drones 

K-State 2024 Chemical Weed Control Guide is now available online

One of the most popular K-State Research and Extension publications is here! The 2024 Chemical Weed Control Guide is now available online. This publication provides suggestions for chemical weed control in several major crops. Starting in January, orders can be placed for paper copies. Check out this article for all the details.

publication Weed Control Guide pesticides  

Pesticide container misuse - Be aware of the regulations

It's important to know and understand the regulations regarding pesticide containers. Pesticide containers may not be repurposed after the pesticide has been used, and container disposal options may be limited by local regulations. Learn the proper disposal procedures for your location.

safety label requirements pesticides 
