eUpdate Articles Tagged: pea aphids

Army cutworm and pea aphid activity in wheat and alfalfa fields

There are reports of insect activity in wheat and alfalfa fields in parts of Kansas. Army cutworms have become more noticeable. Also, pea aphids are showing up in alfalfa fields.

wheat insects alfalfa army cutworms pea aphids 

Insect update on alfalfa weevils and pea aphids - April 17, 2020

The latest update from K-State Extension Entomology on insect activity across Kansas includes alfalfa weevils and pea/cowpea aphids. What effect, if any, has the recent cold temperatures had on these insects?

pea aphids alfalfa weevils 

Insect activity report for Kansas - Alfalfa weevils and pea aphids

Get the latest update on the activity of alfalfa weevils and pea aphids in this article from Extension Entomologist Jeff Whitworth. Learn how to estimate the level of infestation and when a treatment threshold has been reached.

insects pea aphids alfalfa weevils 

Update on alfalfa pests in Kansas - Alfalfa weevils and pea aphids

Alfalfa weevils have been hatching throughout the eastern half of Kansas since at least March 20. Also, pea aphids are increasing throughout north central Kansas. This article discusses these two alfalfa pests found in locations in eastern and north central Kansas this spring.

alfalfa insects pea aphids alfalfa weevils