Fall is an excellent time to soil sample pastures and hay fields. Learn more on how frequently you should sample and which soil properties are most important in these types of production systems.
Sericea lespedeza is a major invasive species of concern on rangeland, pasture, and some CRP acres in Kansas. This state-wide noxious weed infests over 600,000 acres in Kansas. June is a good time for control of sericea lespedeza using herbicides.
Soil testing can be done in either spring or fall on hay fields and pasture. Soil sampling on a regular basis (every 3 – 4 years) can save money and reduce environmental impacts of overapplying fertilizer or manure.
Musk thistle (is one of 12 noxious weeds in Kansas infesting nearly 500,000 acres. Control efforts should be aimed at reducing or eliminating new populations and established stands should be managed with any accepted control method. Fall is an excellent time to spray musk thistle.
Fall is an excellent time to perform soil testing of pastures and hayfields. Testing in the fall allows more time for any needed lime applications before the main growing season and allows flexibility for planning fertilizer applications.
Conversion of pastureland into cropland has occurred at a rapid rate in the Great Plains. A reduction in total acreage of pastureland from this conversion has resulted in a decline of total numbers of beef cows in the same region. One way to mitigate the decline in cow numbers is to increase the carrying capacity of the remaining pastureland acres. One method to do this could be to interseed a warm-season annual grass species into perennial cool-season grass pastures. This could increase dry matter production during the mid-summer time period when perennial cool-season grasses would be most dormant. An increase in production during this time period could result in a significant overall increase in total land area production. Greater forage production in turn increases the total number of beef cows the land area could support through grazing or haying.
We have received several questions about controlling hemp dogbane in pastures this summer, with many farmers reporting the weed is becoming more common and troublesome. This World of Weeds article will discuss how to identify this perennial weed and the best management options.
Farmers manage one million acres of tall fescue which are important forage sources for livestock production in Kansas. Lack of timely rainfall across Kansas, particularly in the southeast, resulted in very limited forage growth. What options are there for forage stands that have died or been severely damaged?
Eastern redcedar is the only evergreen tree native to Kansas and is a major component of an alarming wave of woody plant expansion in grasslands. During drought years, rangeland grasses may go dormant but cedar trees often stay green and continue using water. Controlling the growth of cedars in pastures is important, especially during a summer drought like we saw in 2022.
Knowing the soil nutrients is a requirement to establish an adequate soil fertility program for forages. Fall is a good time to evaluate the soil fertility status for forage production because it allows more time for any needed lime applications to have an effect before the main growing season begins.
soil testing pastures hayfields soil fertility fall soil sampling
Fall is a good time to plan on fertilizing cool-season perennial grasses such as smooth brome. Brome requires annual fertilization for optimum production. Fertilizer should be applied by broadcasting in the fall or before spring growth begins. This article covers fertilizer application timing and rates for optimum brome production.
pastures fall fertilizer bromegrass fertilization smooth brome
White grubs, the larvae of beetles commonly known as May beetles and June beetles, can be pests of many different commodities. Dead patches in brome fields in Kansas have recently been reported. While the extent and severity of damage varied, white grubs were easily found in the soil in all cases. Learn more about this pest and options if your brome fields are affected.
Fall armyworms are known to feed on over 80 host plants. In Kansas, they can damage several important crops, pasture, turf, and home landscaping. Two full generations are possible in Kansas, with defoliation and grain damage being the biggest concerns. At-risk crops should be scouted regularly for the remainder of the growing season.
Knowing the soil nutrients is required to establish an adequate soil fertility program for pastures and hayfields. Fall is a good time for soil testing because it allows more time for needed lime applications before spring and gives the producer some flexibility for planning nutrient applications.
soil testing pastures hayfields soil fertility fall soil sampling
Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage (PRF) insurance is a tool for managing rainfall or drought risk. While individual producer experience varies, PRF has made substantial payouts during drought years. This article summarizes three concerns about whether PRF will cover actual forage losses and two approaches to consider.
Establishment is the most important phase to ensure system longevity when planning the long-term use of a seeded native grass stand. Native species are slow to establish and do not compete well with other plants, such as undesired weeds and forage mixes. Native grass pastures can take up to four years to become fully established.