eUpdate Articles Tagged: nutrient levels

Plant analysis for testing nutrient levels in corn

Plant analysis is an excellent in-season “quality control” tool. Plant analysis can be used by Kansas farmers in two basic ways: for diagnostic purposes, and for monitoring nutrient levels at a common growth stage.

corn plant analysis nutrient levels 

Plant analysis for testing nutrient levels in corn

Plant analysis is an excellent diagnostic tool to help understand some of the variation among corn plants in the field. This testing can also be used for general monitoring or quality control purposes. There are different guidelines for tissue collection depending on how you plan to use the test results.

corn plant analysis nutrient levels tissue testing 

Biomass production and nutrient uptake of drought-damaged corn

A number of factors should be considered when assigning a value to drought-damaged corn. Nutrient removal from the field is one key aspect since biomass can export significant amounts of nutrients. Other factors to consider include the need for residue cover to prevent erosion and conserving soil moisture.

Corn Schools drought nutrient levels drought stress