eUpdate Articles Tagged: no-tillage

Pre-harvest glyphosate treatment on sorghum in a no-till system

no-tillage glyphosate sorghum 

Common questions about soil sampling for pH and liming in continuous no-till fields

no-tillage soil sampling 

New research on strategic tillage in dryland no-till systems

No-tillage systems offer many benefits to dryland crop production in the Central Great Plains. Over the long-term, some issues can arise. Learn about new research from K-State on using "strategic tillage" in these systems to help alleviate these issues.

no-tillage strategic tillage 

Management considerations for no-till wheat following sorghum or other summer crops

With fall harvest progressing earlier than normal, favorable wheat prices, and upcoming rainfall chances, many producers are considering planting wheat back into freshly harvested summer crop residue. Several management considerations are discussed in this article.

no-tillage wheat glyphosate pre-harvest desiccant 

Management considerations for no-till wheat following a summer row crop

With fall harvest progressing at earlier than normal rates and many row-crop acres chopped for silage, producers may consider planting wheat back into freshly harvested summer crop residue. While the current drought conditions offer significant challenges, there are additional considerations when seeding wheat immediately after the harvest of a summer crop.

wheat no-tillage wheat planting pre-harvest desiccant 

Considerations for wheat fields prone to sulfur deficiency

In recent years, sulfur deficiency in wheat has become more common in many areas of Kansas, particularly in no-till systems. This article discusses the factors that influence sulfur deficiency in wheat, how to identify a deficiency issue, and the best management options.

wheat no-tillage sulfur nutrient deficiency